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Grouping and Negotiation Process

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for short answers, please have one paragraph for each
for the two essays, please have around 300 words for each
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ORSC Short Answer and 2 Essay
Question 11: The first effort is choosing the right parties and grouping them into fronts. The allies were able to provide valuable resources or information that assisted in reaching the goal. Another aspect is evaluating interdependencies among the fronts. It is vital to determine whether these fronts can influence each other. Understanding this will assist in deciding whether and when to merge the fronts, mainly when sufficient advances have been achieved. The campaign must also be sequenced in a particular way, understanding where to approach first and the order. It is proper to prioritize what benefits the negotiator first. They were also able to determine the information to be shared first. Sequencing is vital when activities are revealed to other parties. The final phase is the ability to learn and adapt because of the iterative nature of the campaign. Notably, things were done in a specific order to gain support and ensure all fronts positively impacted the campaign.
Question 12: The Golden Bridge is a strategy that a party employs to draw allies to their position and make an agreement. Therefore, they can easily cross the bridge if obstacles are removed. The bridge must offer the opponents opportunities to provide their ideas and constructive criticism. Thus, the Golden Bridge creates ways for opponents to agree without violating their principles or dignity. The bridge must have incentives to engage third parties and give credit to the other person to solve the prevailing challenge.
Question 13: During the negotiation process, destabilizers usually disagree with the proposals from the opposing side and dislike some of the recommendations from their side. The destabilizers are essential parties in the negotiation process and can assist in attaining the intended goal. During the negotiation process, destabilizers must be dealt with by the negotiator or manager by managing time and signaling intentions to them. Also, the manager must treat the opposing side with respect while dealing with the destabilizers.
Question 14: I agree with the statement because it entails all the qualities required in a successful negotiation process. Negotiator can succeed and attain their objectives if they are hyperrational, emotionally neutral, and have fixed values. Moreover, they must be able to process information flawlessly. This informs future preparation in conducting negotiations in diverse. First, it highlights the essential skills that any aspiring negotiator should develop to succeed.
Question 15: The Ugli Fruit negotiation highlighted the most important issues when negotiating. It is best to understand what the other party wants and beware of each other interests. The issue of communication was lacking from both parties because they could not understand their aim in the negotiation process. Another aspect is cooperation versus competition. The parties were competing due to personal issues, which would have been better if they cooperated to address the common problem.
Question 16: During World War II and the Tehran Conference, Mai managed to identify the ratifiers correctly. The meeting of leaders blended together with the ratifiers of the agreement. This was because the negotiation structure blurs. Eytcheson addressed the case regarding the hijacking of Lufthansa Flight 592. The ratifiers were misidentified because they were not directly involved in the interests of the two parties. The negotiation process was never specific, hence the misidentification of the ratifiers.
Question 17: During the negotiation process, many aspects are caused by anger, frustrations, emotions, and feelings of being betrayed. When negotiating, it is vital to differentiate between interests and people. This will allow an individual to focus on the goal. Therefore, going to the balcony means that an individual leaves the negotiation table and evaluates the...
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