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Write A Profile About The Interviewed Person

Essay Instructions:

hello i need you to write a profile about the person i interviewed, her name is carol and in the interview i ask her some basic questions, you basically need to create a story about her, a profile about her based on what carol says. these are some instructions, also don't forget to use her quotes. Write about the person without stating any of your own opinions in the story. Use third person (he said, she did), with accurate quotes in the person’s own words. Try to capture a sense of the individual’s personality and mood.

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Carol White is a person who has travelled to several continents. Her father was an international businessman, and this means that they had to travel more often. This meant a new school, new friends, and a fresh start for young Carol, but her opinion was almost insignificant. While someone would look or find fault in this, Carol embraced it, well not at first, but eventually, she began to fall in love with the different cultures and people she met on the many trips. To any normal child, the many trips would indeed be disruptive because long-term relationships were hard to maintain. However, Carol learned to live with the fact that she will be travelling with her father on his many business trips, and therefore, managed to find out more about the world than what most people read in the papers and watch on televisions. While the above introduction depicts her as a multicultural or diverse individual, her story did not start there.
Carol was born and enjoyed the better part of her childhood there. “Well, I was born and raised in New York.” However, what captures one’s eye is the fact that her experiences there are not forgotten either. “I even had my first flight when I was 12 over there.” The fact that she remembers this simple fact is proof that a significant part of her still relishes her time in New York. She reinforced the above notion when she said that “and you know life in the big apple is always loud and full of adventures.” These statements are not random or from a person with a vague memory of her place of birth but are indeed reminiscent of a person who to a significant extent misses a part of her life or holds a particular place special.
Her childhood was different and what not many parents would wish for their children. However, due to unavoidable circumstances, she was forced to accompany her father on his many business trips. “Well as you may already know Khaled because of my father’s job, a businessman, I was forced to travel a lot in my childhood.” The above of course impacted her childhood, but Carol only chooses to see it in a positive way as her statement dictates; “so basically you could say I have a broad experience in meeting new people and seeing new things.” It was hard, and most of the time, the trips were impromptu. “My father would surprise me with the news of leaving to another country,” she recalled. Nothing was permanent for her, and she admitted feeling isolated. “This made me as a child more isolated and sad,” fortunately for her, it became easy with time, “Eventually though I got used to it, and it became normal for me.”
The business trips Carol made with her father were indeed disruptive of a normal childhood, but as Carol recalls, she began to get ...
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