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Standardized Testing: Women in Professional Positions, Development in the Corporate World, Social and Economic Benefits

Essay Instructions:

Additional guidelines:

  • It must be at least 8 pages long. Eight full pages—not including the works cited page—is the minimum length (2,400 words)
  • It must contain counter arguments, including concessions and refutations.
  • It must contain a works cited page if you cite outside sources
  • It must contain a minimum of two hard-copy sources (real books, magazines, journals, etc.)
  • Quotations, paraphrases, or summaries of outside sources require parenthetical cites.
  • A maximum of 30% of sources used can be from Internet sources. Database sources are exempt from this guideline.
  • Do not use encyclopedias or Wikipedia.com as sources
  • The paper must discuss secular topics only.
  • In addition to submitting a hard copy in class the day it is due, it must be submitted to turnitin.com to receive a grade.
  • Create an original title
  • Have approximately 300 words per page
  • Double spaced throughout
  • Font = 12 point, Times New Roman font, printed in black ink
  • Have standard margin settings
  • Have your last name and page number in the upper right corner of each page
  • Refer to LBB Ch. 56 for MLA formatting guidelines
  • Ensure that you make backup copies of this paper on at least one removable storage device.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
The absence of women in professional positions has been an element that existed since the beginning of time due to their uneven statute. Their roles in different positions in the society is brought by them lacking cultural consensus which hence determines the period at which they can amplitude their qualities, and factor remains the main problem. Men have it all when it comes to executive positions in several corporate organizations and leadership in general (Hutchings, et.al 2010). The numerous positions that are men dominated in professional and leadership domains generally are far much greater and highly populated by this gender as compared to that of their feminine counterparts. Considering the disparities both at the national and international levels, the global workforce still remains gender-segregated with the progress in achieving gender equity still depicted as slow and uneven.
Corporate professional roles and leadership opportunities have far been ascribed as befitting to men with statistics from several organizations indicating the fact that there are a considerably a number of men as compared to women in leadership and executive roles. According to Hutchings, et.al (2010), the variables between the number of women and men in professional and leadership roles has been identified to vary in different countries depending on the culture, religion and population demographics of these regions (p.64). This study therefore seeks to determine the perception of the adoption of women on male dominated leadership in the traditionally male dominated organizational position as inferred in the contemporary society.
Societies Perception of Women's Adoption of Stereotypically Male Dominated Leadership Roles
Despite different advocative approaches that have been developed to ensure that there are equal opportunities through the introduction of legislations, the opportunity of women in the society in professional and leadership positions still remains unequal (Tlaiss, & Mendelson, 2014). Corporate managerial roles and organizational leadership opportunities have still been dominated by men even though there are remarkable developments in some regions. Women in this contemporary society are still underrepresented within the top leadership positions and overrepresented at the bottom of the influential leadership functions in a wide range of institutions.
The most common and convenient explanation for the underrepresentation in leadership positions in women is in the manner in which they are viewed in the society and their choices into these positions that are influenced by these views (Tlaiss, & Mendelson, 2014). Prominent television talks, news publications and mockeries from the society have tuned out to portray an image on women as those who opt out of their professional jobs to keep their homes running, a factor that clearly determines that they cannot be handled senior leadership roles and positions.
As determined by a majority of views in some regions, women have the capacity to be good leaders as their male counterparts in different professional establishments. According to research conducted in the westernized nations, most western countries find women indistinguishable from men on almost every key leadership attribute such as the capacity to be innovative and employ intelligence in the functions of any organization (Tlaiss, & Mendelson, 2014). Additionally, women are known to add compassion and an organized leadership approach within their roles, a factor that makes them far much different from their male counterparts.
It is therefore essential to note that the development of women in the corporate world has received a variety of viewpoints. Different ideologies have determined that the role of women remains in low positions with the executive positions dominated by men. Women therefore remain underrepresented within the areas of executive, directorship and governance in leadership. These factors in this case contradict the momentum especially in the promotion of women with barriers standing that hamper the manner in which women are viewed in the corporate world (Hutchings, et.al. 2010). It has been reported that men allege that all that is required is the ability to carry out functions and not gender equity, a factor that demonstrates the reasons why gender inequality is a difficult thing to manage in the corporate world.
It has been determined that when organizations need to develop a culture that embraces the element of equity in according women and men the same and equal opportunities, a culture is created that embraces equity. In as much as the number of women in the middle managerial positions is noted to increase, it is essential to determine that data still points out to the under-representation of women within the senior levels (Women in the Workplace p 86-89.2015).. This therefore determines that legislative measures should be placed including policies that ensure organizations are committed to the proponents of diversity to facilitate the advancement of women within this senior leadership and managerial positions.
Different literatures in management have suggestively pointed out to the fact that women in leadership and management positions meeting barriers such as gender discrimination that is deeply embedded in an organizations culture. This points out to the lack of properly defined work ethics that define the plethora of ethical work practices that govern the structure of the workplace in developing gender dynamics (Women in the Workplace p 86-89.2015). Such organizational cultures have the power to limit women in leadership and managerial positions, a factor that limits and undermines their potential to deliver in these fields.
In this, it is vital to note that corporate, social and economic benefits are essential in allowing women to advance in the positions of power. Removing such barriers is a vital element that needs different companies, jurisdictions and networks to put efforts in addressing such issues. The world is in an era whereby gender equality is valued with the gender fair opportunities in career progressions an essential element in ensuring that there is a maintained level of equity among men and women within different organizations (Hutchings, et.al. 2010). This clearly means that there is need to put more emphasis on the progression of women in careers and engaging them in active participatory roles in the corporate world. It is in this case therefore vital to ensure that the barriers that stand in the way for women in progressing into different leadership roles are addressed.
It has been discovered that many of the Arab countries remain affected since women are still barred from leadership and managerial positions by factors such as religion, beliefs, and cultural perspectives of the society, a factor that clearly indicates that women in the Arab world lack the necessary capacity to advance and progress in their careers. In regard to this, the corporate and organizational leadership roles have been left for men alone in the Arab states. However, efforts have been initiated by educational organizations that have taken a new approach in enabling women to work in different organizations in the corporate world (Hutchings, et.al. 2010). It has been noted that when these women join their roles in these positions, there are considerable stagnati...
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