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Compare and Contrast two Authors from Some Readings: Olaudah Equiano and Phillis Wheatley

Essay Instructions:

In this essay, you will compare and contrast how two or three authors from our readings this semester interpret, approach, employ, argue with, or otherwise work with some important theme we have been discussing. Your thesis statement should describe a specific idea or assertion that the two or three texts seem to hold or make about a particular theme, issue, or concern. In other words, what do the authors seem to be saying about the concern, issue, or theme you have chosen to take up?

Once you articulate that specific idea, you will need to analyze how the authors design their texts to arrive at a specific understanding of that theme, idea, concern, or issue. You should pay attention to the details of the plot, the development of character, the use of dialogue, the point of view of the narrator(s), the structure (or organization) of the story or narrative, important symbols or imagery, the author’s writing style, word choice (diction), the arrangement of words (syntax), and any other details that seem to you to be significant (the use of dialect, for example). The bulk of your analysis should be devoted to explaining how the author uses these elements to construct that specific understanding of their theme, idea, concern, or issue you are discussing. Think in terms of what kind of perspective you think the text gives us on your topic, or how it directs our attention, feelings, or opinions as we read. 

You should include specific details (paraphrase, summary, and direct quotation) from the text or texts as evidence for your claims. Use in-text citations when you do, and include a works cited page at the end of your essay. In-text citations and the works cited page should be in MLA format. While you should feel free to bring in information from outside sources, you are not required to conduct any additional research for this essay.

The essay should have a clear thesis stated in a short introductory paragraph (3-4 sentences), body paragraphs that clearly relate to and support that thesis, and a conclusion that does not simply repeat your thesis. Please use a standard font, 12-point script, and 1" margins. Include your name, the course name, number, and section number somewhere at the top of the first page. Do not include a separate title page. Please number your pages.

The essay has to show a clear understanding of the assignment; takes a position that is both valid and perceptive or original, authenticating it through personal experiences and/or well-chosen specifics from outside sources; maintains logical consistency so that there are no contradictory or mutually exclusive statements. 

The two authors that i have decided to compare and contrast are Elaudah Equiano and Phillis Wheatly.

The readings and sources are Elaudah Equiano's Autibiography and Phillis Wheatley Poems “On Being Brought from African to America,” “To the Right HonourableWilliam, Earl of Dartmouth…,” “To the University of Cambridge, in New England,” “To S.M., a Young African Painter, on Seeing His Works,” “To His Excellency General Washington”)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Compare and contrast two authors from some readings
Olaudah Equiano and Phillis Wheatley are creative writers who bring out the best in a generation. As former slaves, they are essential to the issues surrounding slavery, its effects and impact on the modern global order. Their works share similar themes within them. In the paper we shall examine Olaudah Equiano's Autobiography and some poems by Phillis Wheatley. These poems include: On Being Brought from African to America," "To the Right Honorable William, Earl of Dartmouth," "To the University of Cambridge, in New England," "To S.M., a Young African Painter, on Seeing His Works," and finally "To His Excellency General Washington." The paper shall evaluate some themes that are common in the works of both writers. These include slavery, faith, betrayal, etc. All these themes can be found within liberty (or freedom) and separation as thematic styles. The paper will evaluate the themes in both works and determine where it manifests.
Separation as a theme is seen in Equiano’s life from the beginning of his autobiographical narration. He is born in Nigeria in 1745 to the Igbo tribe. As a child, separation can be noted in that he is born a free man in his home (Equiano: docsouth.unc.). His father is a respected man in his community. His father has marks on his forehead that indicate his status. Equiano hopes to receive the same marks when he comes of age according to the Igbo culture. The first instance where his liberty is taken away can be seen when he is kidnapped together with his sister. The two are taken away from their home, and their liberty is an unacknowledged. In kidnapping the two children, the kidnappers take away their physical liberty (Equiano: docsouth.unc.). The children can no longer do as they wish and they are subordinate to the kidnappers. The kidnappers separate the children from their families, their natural inheritance, and the community. The kidnappers further take away the future of the children as part of the community. The action destroys the natural right of the community to propagate itself through its children (Equiano: docsouth.unc.).
The children are sold to slave traders, and the two siblings are separated presenting the theme of separation again. The two will meet again once but will be separated and will not meet again. Equiano is sent to the British Colony of Virginia where he is bought up by Michael Pascal. His new owner changes his name to Gustavus Vassa. The name change indicates his lack of liberty and a separation between his personal identities. It is essential to note that Equiano had been previously renamed twice as Jacob and Michael. In changing his name, the new owner indicates to Equiano that his liberty is not his. Equiano attempts to resist the new name and his separation from the previous name of Jacob, for his effort Equiano is punished heavily (Equiano: docsouth.unc.).
Equiano, later on, attempts to wash his face of his pigmentation, in the belief that his color is the reason for his misfortune. He attempts to separate himself from his identity as an African and black man to gain his liberty as a human being (Equiano: docsouth.unc.). When the Seven-year war breaks out, Equiano serves on his master’s ship hauling gunpowder. His master promises him his liberty for his efforts; he later goes against the promise. Equiano later converts to Christianity in an attempt to gain liberty for his soul and separate from hi...
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