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An Academic Paper: All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy

Essay Instructions:

For this paper you will track down an academic paper for cormac mcCarthys "all the pretty horses". Then you will read that essay and use it as a source of motivation of your own essay. Here are some questions that you may want to ask when writing this essay: what is the author of the essay is making? Does the author make sense if something we did not understand? Do we agree with this author's analysts of X? Why or not? Do we agree with some parts, but disagree with others? Do we have anything that we would like to add to this authors argument? You may ask some of these questions and you may ask some others. You will cite at least four sources in this essay: the author of the novel,the author of the essay to which you are responding, and two other authors who will support your argument. You may chose any peer reviewed articles you would like.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
All the Pretty Horses by Cormac Mccarthy
Cormac McCarthy's "All the Pretty Horses" is hailed as representing what America as a nation is all about. The values that the nation espouses, freedom, individualism and the pursuit of happiness. The novel looks at the America as a land of hope, where a man can find his fortune. Mexico to the south is regarded as the antithesis of America. The novel paints it as unruly, uncivilised and characterised by marauding bands of lawless men. The irony is that Mccarthy’s protagonists actively seeks out this desolate land and choose to leave behind the relative comfort of home. As the novel begins, we see John Grady choosing to live a home that is no longer home. In search of fortune and an idealised notion of what it means to live like a cowboy. The paper in its evaluation of "All the Pretty Horses" dissects Maia Rodriguez’ paper on "Relocating the Cowboy: American Privilege in "All the Pretty HorsesCITATION Rod14 \p ": pepperdine.edu" \l 1033 (Rodriguez: pepperdine.edu)."
One common theme in Maia's conceptualisation of the novel is the two-part dichotomy that characterises American thinking. The notion that there are two mirror opposing parts or forms in every facet of life. Central to this theme is the border crossing trilogy. Posing two nations as distinct seemingly sharing little in common and as different as states can be. America is put out to be a land of freedom. Where there is equal opportunity to all and especially the young people of the nation. Mexico is however put out to be a nation where only a lawless man can survive. The author notes that John Grady in the novel goes contrary to the expected behaviour, rather than seeking to remain in America where civilization abounds, he chooses to head south. He is in part led by his idealised notion of life as a cowboy. The seemingly ruthlessness of Mexico in climate and lack of an effective legislative and institutional framework to support the law allow for the cowboy lifestyle to thrive. John Grady notes that his desires would be impugned in a civilised cityCITATION Arn \p ": muse.jhu.edu" \l 1033 (Arnold and Luce: muse.jhu.edu).
It is essential to note that the story is set in the years following the American conquest of the Wild West. As such, Grady would have grown up hearing stories of cowboys and their lives of courage. However, the conquest means that Cowboys are no longer necessary in the national dispensation and social fabric. America is conquered while Mexico is not, thus heading south was the only option for the would-be cowboy. On a psychological level, the desire to be a cowboy could be to honour his father who owns a ranch at the time of his death by not letting go of the family legacy. He wishes also to punish his mother in a primal sense as she sells the ranch his only connection to his father and childhood and chooses the relative comfort of city lifeCITATION Bel92 \p ": nytimes.com" \l 1033 (Bell: nytimes.com).
The dichotomy can also be noted in Grady’s choice for a partner. Grady is honourable to a fault, responsible, just, skilful as evidenced in the manner he handles horses and values the solitude the life of a cowboy allows. Lacey Rawlins is the opposite of Grady; he has limited skill, impatient, overly extroverted, does not subscribe to Grady's morality or code that allows him to leave Grady in Mexico when it gets toughCITATION Spu13 \p ": ejas.revues.org" \l 1033 (Spurgeon: ejas.revues.org).
Alejandra is the daughter of the owner of the Hacienda and a member of the Mexican aristocracy. As John Grady's love interest, she is critical to the development of the story. She is a beautiful lady, and that beauty is what initially attracts Grady's attention to her. She has an attitude of a tragedy waiting to happen. A cloud of sorrow hangs around her, similar to that of grief. Grady is attracted to this, his saviour complex yearning to save her from himself. They quickly develop a love affair. These two falls into two sides and form a perfect dichotomy. Grady is not particularly impressive with little about his stature being described apart from the scars on his face and chest that potentially disfigure him. Alejandra is however excep...
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