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Myths, Legends, Folktales: Vampires, Origins, History, Where do Vampires Come From?

Essay Instructions:

Myths, Legends, Folktales Outline
5 Paragraphs (Introduction,details origin,variations,proven or debunked and conclusion)
Work cited page must be in correct MLA format
I. Origin/History
A. keywords: Vampires, Origins of Vampires, History of Vampires,Where do vampires come from ? 
II. Location of story
. location of story: Where did the story begin? Where is the story mainly told?
A. location of vampires: Where are vampires? 
III. Current/Factual evidence (if real or “debunked”)
. keywords: Are vampires real? Vampire fact or fiction? Vampire truth or myth? Vampires debunked?
IV. Reflect country’s culture
. keywords: how do vampires reflect the culture of a country?
V. how does it convey society’s morals/values/superstitions
. keywords:Vampires and morals/values? Vampires and superstitions?
A. how does culture influence the myth
B. keywords: Does culture influence vampire myths,folklore and etc.
VI. Debate and Controversy
A. keywords: Vampire controversy Vampire debates
Vampires - Myth Encyclopedia - names, famous, evil
… » Tr-Wa » Vampires - Myth Encyclopedia Vampires In European folklore, a… become vampires because demons or evil spirits enter their bodies. Vampires are… Comment: (50-4000 characters) Vampires - Myth Encyclopedia forum « Valkyries…

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Vampires have been in folklore in every society across the world since ancient times. According to the European folklore, corpse that leave their grave at night to drink blood from the living by taking a bite from their neck directly on the carotid artery using their long pointed canine teeth are called vampires (Halldorson 4). As defined by Gottlieb a vampire is an imaginary being in many folklores characterized by their thirst from blood. Older versions of vampires were only thought to be supernatural beings (30). In recent years including the current generations, vampires are regarded as human beings with demonic powers. In Egypt folklore, vampires were born out of sorcery, while in Asia, vampires such as the Chinese Jiangshi were regarded as evil spirits that attacked human beings for blood. In the West, vampires and demonic tales were common in the medieval times (Halldorson 2). In modern society a new twist of how to become a vampire has emerged which in most classic tales is through being bitten or by birth. Beliefs of vampires started from superstitions and mistaken postmortem decays. Before science came to be, catastrophic events that were considered mysterious were blamed on vampires. Belief of curses to explain bad fortunes were common in ancient times marketing the start of vampires folklore (Do 2).
Details origin
The original mythology of amperes dates back to 450 B.C. during ancient Greece where a story was once told about an Italian man named Ambrogio who fell in love with Apollo’s maiden. Being spied by Apollo, the young man was cursed with a spell never to exposed his skin on the sun again lest he burns (Gottlieb 51). The first vampire in roman folklore is the Dracula who according to ancient Romanian folklore was a hero who defended his empire from attacks by the Ottoman Turks (Halldorson 4)
During medieval period, many vampire myths developed in England starting from the 12th century spreading into the 17th and 18t century. In Africa a mixture of French folklore and Vodu and Logaroo in Caribbean cultures were common tales of vampires. In Asia, older folklore had descriptive demonic vampires such as the south Asian Bhuta, Vetala and the Japanese folklore about Nukekubi. In modern days, just after the Dracula dominated the media scenes in the 19th and 20th century, the setting for vampire exist...
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