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The Primary Forms of Labor in the English American Colonies

Essay Instructions:

Labor and Work in America before 1877                                                                  
When the British established Jamestown in 1607, their first permanent settlement in the New World, they had many options for labor, and no master plan in place for how work would be conducted in the colony. They tried several forms of labor over the rest of the century, some of which seemed to work and others that clearly did not. What options did they try? By the end of the 17th century, what were the primary forms of labor in the English American colonies, and why?
You should plan to write a cohesive, formal essay, 1300 to 1600 words (this is about four to five pages), in which you develop an argument and advance it through making points and using evidence to back them up.
The formatting is the usual – double-spaced, standard margins, normal sized font (11 or 12 point, depending on which you choose) and so on.
Do not use or consult outside sources for this assignment. You should only be referencing class materials – the textbook, the “Early labor” set of documents on Canvas, and whatever we may cover in class. You do not need to use all the documents, but you should use some of them, along with the textbook and lecture material. The best papers tend to blend together a variety of different types of sources, making for a stronger case. You will have all the information you need to write an outstanding essay.
Please refer to the citation guide on Canvas for how to cite your sources. All essays must have citations. Those with none or very few will earn a failing grade. Since you will all be using the same sources, there is no need for a works cited page.
Really, I cannot stress this enough – stay off the Web when writing these. Trying to find answers online is the fast track to an academic integrity case, and if there appears to be evidence of an infraction, which can pretty much only come from looking at things that are not the textbook, lecture notes or primary sources, I will not hesitate to report it.
it should be a full draft, in the vicinity of 1300 to 1600 words.
Oh, and a quick note on language – I know we come across terms like “Negro” and “colored” in our readings, but they are not terms we should use as our own. It is OK to quote someone who is saying them, but these words are outdated and offensive, and have been for over fifty years, so please do not describe people as such in your own words.

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English-American Colonies: The Primary Forms of Labor
Unlike other European invaders, the British colonies in North America were permanent settlements of emigrants seeking economic, political, and religious freedom. After the occupation of Jamestown in 1607, its harsh climate and barren soil forced the invaders to use cheap labor for harsh work and later for profitable business (Clark et al. 40). The growth of farming activities necessitated the need for labor and different forms of labor, including family labor. In some areas like Hudson River Valley, landlords used tenants as labor. Moreover, in many places, low-income families signed indentured servitude. Finally, the slave trade from Africa fulfilled the growing requirement of labor, and later on, they used defeated natives to work as labor for the rich white families (Anonymous 48). Since the British used a wide range of labor types, the following paragraphs provide a substantial description of the forms of labor and their effectiveness in fulfilling the needs of the invaders.
The English colonies of North America were a great attraction to emigrants from Britain that comprised a wide array of people, including puritans, laborers, and farmers. Within the period of twenty years (1620 to 1640), more than 40,000 people migrated to North America (Clark et al. 36). The early settlements in Jamestown turned out to be a nightmare as harsh weather conditions and barren soil forced them to use strict rules for laborers. According to John Smith, one of the earliest settlers, Jamestown was "a miserie, a ruine, a death, a hell." During this time, the laborers faced harsh and strict laws, and men spent the day working in the field while women were engaged in sewing clothes and other household manual labor. Later on, the Virginia Company changed the labor form, the earliest invaders of the land, as they used laborers to cultivate tobacco (Clark et al. 39-40). These were the earliest form of labor that the English settlers adopted in North America.
British settlers formed many stable colonies in Virginia and Maryland and cultivated a profitable tobacco crop by the end of the seventeenth century. Although many tobacco farmers were independent men and only a few were tenants and servants, the landlords used all means to acquire labor from them. For this purpose, they introduced the profession of indentured servitude (Clark et al. 64). The concept of indentured servitude was taken from the Virginia Company that benefited significantly from tobacco cultivation enticed skilled labor from England to come to Jamestown by offering them lucrative benefits. According to these conditions, every skilled labor received four acres of land and a house. Additionally, a person willing to work for land cultivation was to be given fifty acres of land, and he would be given fifty acres more if he brought a new skilled laborer (Clark et al. 41). These lucrative offers greatly enticed the laborers to migrate to Jamestown; consequently, the company earned great profit from this venture, as indicated by the manifold increase in tobacco production within fifteen years.
The British settlers of Virginia and Maryland also followed the practice of indentured servitude. According to one estimate, for the next fifty years after 1620, indentured servitude provided most of the labor needs of the British settlers. However, on account of increasing unfairness and injustice on the part of the landlords, the servants began to rebel against the landlord, and their reaction prompted the landlords to look for the enslaved people as an alternate option (Clark et al. 64). Nevertheless, indentured servitude's institution served its purpose and benefited both the servants and landlords. The rapid migration of laborers...
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