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Positive Connection between Arts and Longevity in Mental and Physical Well-being

Essay Instructions:

For this paper you should:
Make a claim about the connection(s) between the readings (e.g. the impact, the influence, the extent, the consequence) answering the question: How does art promote wellbeing?
Choose and incorporate evidence (e.g. quotations, paraphrases, summaries, examples) from the readings that represent or highlight the cause, reason, impact, effect, or the degree of influence.
Derive implications and explain what actions should be encouraged or discouraged - connect it to the bigger picture
Extend your argument - Why should the reader care?
Incorporate at least 4 sources in a response that is at least 500 words
Rewriting and revising
1.Edit for language errors only after revising content and structure
2.Check MLA format (Please use "Yixiang" as surname in each page.)
3.Compare your draft to the AWMS5.2 doc file that I uploaded.
Constructing an Argument
Possible structure:
Introductory Paragraph:
engaging opening that introduces the topic and any necessary background information
summary of sources: gist of texts and any necessary background knowledge
thesis claiming the relationship between the readings - the specific responses or impacts we should consider
Synthesis Paragraphs:
claim about one criteria or connection,
evidence (quote, paraphrase, and/or summary) and viewpoint of sources (e.g. AB, ABC, AC)
analysis + discussion of the significance
You might have a couple paragraphs that synthesize in support and then one or two that focus on counter-arguments
infer lessons or derive implications
offer counterpoints or suggest solutions, if you haven't already
explain why should the reader, your intended audience, should care
Grading Criteria
The Synthesis Paper:
provides sufficient background information on the topic
organizes the synthesis by subtopics, not sources.
synthesis paragraphs contains relevant information from multiple articles
has a clear purpose for each paragraph
explains each subtopic thoroughly and avoids unnecessary repetition.
integrates source materials smoothly and with an appropriate amount of detail.
has been carefully edited and formatted in MLA

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Synthesis Final Draft
The Danish Twin Study determined that only a tenth of a person’s longevity, within specified biological limits, is determined by our genes, while our lifestyle determines the remaining fraction. Still, our bodies are not programmed for longevity, and the optimal lifestyle for a long life is relatively unknown. However, various studies point to certain lifestyle factors, including eating a plant-based diet, exercising, eating small portions of food per meal, and engaging in meaningful social networking (Buettner). Moreover, certain studies point to arts as complementary medicine to help people live longer. The thesis of this draft is: There is a positive connection between the arts and longevity as it relates to mental well-being, purpose, decreased physical and psychological symptoms, and improved immunity.
Participating in arts has a considerable influence on mental well-being: those partaking in arts tend to report lower rates of depression and anxiety than those who do not. “The data suggests that people who have spent 30 minutes or more each day during the pandemic on art activities like reading for pleasure, listening to music, or engaging in a creative hobby have lower reported rates of depression and anxiety and greater life satisfaction” (Bloomberg Philanthropies). The COVID-19 Social Study, chaired by Dr. Faisy Fancourt, is particularly significant because it illustrates how the mental health challenges of isolation or life stressors can be alleviated through art. Mental health is tied to longevity, so arts engagement has an indirect but positive long-term effect on the latter.
Exposure to the arts improves one’s engagement in the world and helps maintain an individual’s sense of purpose in life. Participating in the arts can reduce feelings of loneliness, foster responsiveness and emotional intelligence, and prevent people from leading a sedentary life, all of which contribute to longevity (Cramer). Several studies indicate a positive correlation between arts and identity even after controlling for socioeconomic factors. People go to muse...
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