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Archeology as Anthropology: The Study of All of Us

Essay Instructions:

To complete the assignment:
Answer ALL of the following questions in an original post to the discussion forum:
Using material evidence, archaeologists have been able to reconstruct some aspects of the social and political structure of the Mississippian chiefdoms. How do these societies compare with present-day United States society? How about other societies you know about?
What evidence do you think would be available to archaeologists 1,000 years from now about the United States? What do you think they would conclude from that evidence?
Which aspects of our society would they get right? Which aspects would they get wrong and/or be unable to reconstruct?
Be sure to incorporate material from the course readings or lessons, or a relevant source, in your initial post. Be sure that it is relevant to your point.
**To receive full participation points, your posts should meet the following criteria:
Posts should be evenly distributed throughout the discussion period (not concentrated all on one day or at the beginning and/or end of the period).
Multiple posts and replies will help your participation grade but do not guarantee full participation points. Quality is always better than quantity.
Posts should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Be complete, but be concise.
Avoid posts that are limited to "I agree" or "great idea," etc. If you agree (or disagree) with a post then say why you agree by supporting your statement with concepts from the readings or by bringing in a related example or experience.
Comply with the instructor's directions to engage new topics or leave worn-out ones that have already been covered.
Address the questions as much as possible (don't let the discussion stray).
Try to use quotes from the readings that support your posts. Cite page numbers when you do this.
Build on others responses to create threads, quoting the portion of the message to which you are responding.
Bring in related prior knowledge (work experience, prior coursework, readings, etc.)
Be respectful when interacting with your classmates and instructors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Archeology as Anthropology: The Study of all of us
Archaeologists have been able to reconstruct some aspects of the social and political structure of the Mississippian Chiefdoms, also referred to as Ranked Societies. In the ranked societies, people were divided into two groups, the commoners and the elites. The ideology of the commoners and elites is also evident in the present-day United States society. Society considered the elite few but with a higher social standing than the commoners in both cultures. Conversely, the two cultures differ significantly. One can note that the Mississippian Chiefdoms society strongly believed in superstition as the source of power whereas, the present-day American society harbors beliefs of reality whereby power is vested in the military and wealth. Like the Mississippian Chiefdoms society, the Kingdom of Eswatini, located in t...
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