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Preservation of History: Memorialization of an Event or a Person

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AP Lang Essay
The world’s story continues to evolve through the many events and situations people find themselves in. Currently, the world is fighting tooth and nail, trying to offset the effects of COVID-19. The pandemic has ravished the world, claiming more than two million lives while millions more are still in hospitals recovering. Some countries like Japan suffered their worst catastrophe during the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The Jews will always remember the Holocaust when millions of their ancestors were killed by a man whose hate for their existence had become physical. In the United States, Barack Obama made history by being the first African American president. The country came to a standstill as the man made history in the country. Every year, the world is awash with events that may or may not warrant memorialization. However, not all events or people end up getting statues or celebrated. The reasons for the above differ for different people, but the main one would be that some events and people are not worth remembering. But, what should be considered for memorialization? What factors or attributes of an event should be said to influence the decision to memorialize? Well, provided herein is a discussion of three factors, including remembering the evils of the past, preserving history, and the emotional attachment a memorial or monument evokes, that should be considered while planning to memorialize an event or a person.
Evils of the past can be a motivation for the memorialization of an event or a person. However, the above is not in the sense that it celebrates evil, but that celebrates the triumph that happened over the evil activity or event. The world has undergone different phases, leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of millions worldwide. Some people would never consider such events as worthy of memorialization. However, there are instances when such events speak to the courage and fighting spirit of a people involved in the event. An instance in Source C notes that “Looking up at the mountain in the golden light of late afternoon, it was hard not to be impressed, even moved, by this effort to honor the memory of a people this country once tried mightily to erase.” In the above statement, the author recognizes the e...
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