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Prediction: Home of the Future

Essay Instructions:

Require:Write a prediction for one specific aspect of the future (such as: the new home, the use of robots, the new classroom,/ school, dating, medicine, sports families etc) and use Homo Deus (chapter 1 https://uofmiami(dot)overdrive(dot)com/media/2570606) as a LENS to support your vision. You should include a specific date for your predictions and while your paper can have aspects of a science fiction story, you must also SUPPORT your ideas and refer specifically back to one of the writers from the website. Explore the website, and you may need to find more information about the expert you are sourcing. Again, use MLA format, 5-7 pages.

The link to "Imagining the Internet" website is below to explore and find a lens for a futuristic paper.

Elon University / Imagining the Internet

* If the lens isn't listed here, then please show me the lens you want to use prior to peer review.

** For any choice, be sure to include 3 or more quotations from your lens.

*** TIP: pick a topic you care about. I chose to control thinking and privacy issues of human beings in the future. It is very difficult to write. Don’t write your own subjective views. Write according to the lens paper

Be sure to choose five sources from the chapters of the book Homo Deus. Do not use other sources, just use this book. This is the URL of Chapter 1 (https://uofmiami(dot)overdrive(dot)com/media/2570606)

He said that this assignment is a lens paper, not an ordinary research paper or something else. Let me post what she said about a lens paper:

-The Lens Essay The lens essay uses one text to shed light on another in order to show readers something they would not have been able to see if they had examined the texts in isolation. In most assignments, the lens essay challenges students by requiring them to analyze texts on a theoretical level in addition to the thematic level that was emphasized in the close reading essay. Because it requires the use of two sources, the lens essay assignment sequence is typically taught after the close reading essay. The typical length of a lens essay assignment is between seven and nine pages. Goals: The primary goal of the lens essay is for students to be able to achieve a baseline reading of some piece of culture using a lens text. In other words, students should be able to defend some central claim about the text they are examining by linking moments in that text to categories or ideas in the lens text. Students should continue to use and improve the close reading skills they employed in the first essay. For more advanced students who are able to produce a compelling baseline lens reading of a text, the ideal of the lens essay would be for those students to complicate their baseline reading using some counterevidence from the text and then to use that complicating evidence to reflect critically back on the lens text itself. Guidelines, Type of texts: The lens essay typically employs a theoretical text as the lens and uses it to examine a piece of art or culture (Be sure not to write an ordinary essay but to write a lens paper!!!)

I will post a sample essay and how to write the contents of the lens paper book. Don’t make mistakes. It’s over if you write it in ordinary paper. You need to write lens paper! ! !

I also need a rough outline. It doesn’t need to be too detailed, just put it after the citation of the article. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Houses of the Future In his book Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow Harari imagines a home of the future that is drastically different from what we know today. Success breeds ambition, and our recent achievements are now pushing humankind to set itself even more daring goals (Harari 27). With the rapid advancement of technology, Harari predicts that homes will become smarter, more efficient, and more personalized to our individual needs. One of the key changes Harari envisions is the use of AI-powered assistants, which will be integrated into our homes to manage everything from our schedules to our health. These assistants will be able to learn from our behavior and preferences to anticipate our needs and provide personalized recommendations. Harari also predicts that homes will become more sustainable and eco-friendlier, with the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. He imagines that homes will be designed to be self-sufficient, with the ability to generate their own power, grow their own food, and recycle waste. Another significant change Harari foresees is the rise of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies, which will transform the way we interact with our homes. He predicts that we will be able to create virtual environments that mimic the real world, allowing us to experience things like travel and socializing without leaving our homes. Some of the predictions outlined in the book are already in the market in some form. Smart home automation is a fast-growing industry. Some homes have smart equipment like washing machines, fridges, smart bulbs, and smart heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems among others. In the future, these systems will become smarter as they are loaded with better sensors and software to provide more personalized recommendations and suggestions on how to make the home space better for the individual. Nearly everything in these homes will be smarter from the doors, which can detect the house occupants and open them before they reach the door. Already facial recognition programs are far more efficient at recognizing humans than humans (Harari 188). Windows that open for long enough to balance the air circulation in the house or allow the required amount of light to match the preferences of the owner. Additionally, smart technology in homes will help with health and fitness. The mattresses will track sleeping patterns and recommend changes to aid the health of the individual. Smart toilets will analyze excrement to detect diseases and or recommend dietary changes. Already there are smart diapers that analyze the poop in children (Harari 194). While these technologies are in their formative years, they give a glimpse of homes of the future which are heavily dependent on technology, analytics, and personalized living space designed to suit the individual. The houses of the future will also be built with futuristic materials. Steel, lumber, concrete, and other common construction materials are bulky and some have a relatively short shelf life especially when they come across corrosive elements. (Harari 126) points out that nanotechnology, genetic engineering and artificial intelligence will revolutionize production and open new opportunities in human civilization. Thus, materials of the future will unlock new possibilities in construction. Stronger and lighter materials such as carbon fiber and graphene can replace these bulky materials with high environmental footprints with stronger, more sustainable materials (Vázquez-Moreno, Sánchez-Hidalgo and Sanz-Horcajo). This would allow the construction of new architectural designs with less environmental footprint. Since the houses will be less bulky, they will easily be able to be assembled anywhere and even moved to new locations according to the owner. Prefabrication technology will allow the houses to be assembled or torn down for relocation. New materials can allow the 3D printing of houses. These technologies are in their early stages and there are houses out there constructed by 3D printers. As materials technology matures coupled with advancement in technology, newer stronger, and more modular housing designs will become mainstream. (Harari 125) asserts that human economy will grow because of our ability to discover new materials and sources of energy unlike other species. Additionally, houses of the future could be constructed by robots that can assemble structures from pre-made parts, without any human intervention (Sanchez). These robots could work tirelessly, day and night, to create homes quickly and efficiently, drasticall...
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