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Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Essay Instructions:


This assignment is an essay analysis of the story Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. You can search any online book about this story and do a analysis essay on the story. Rubric and further info instructions are below.

Choose one of the literary prompts below respond to in essay format. Your essay should consist of at least five paragraphs. A literary essay is different than a standard 5 paragraph essay because it requires the following elements:

● T.A.G. (title, author, genre) should be mentioned in the introductory paragraph. Remember to italicize the title of major works such as a novel or use quotation marks around smaller works such as poetry or short stories. i.e. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

● The thesis should focus on a literary element such as theme or characterization, and not include critique. The literary essay should be written in 3rd person point of view.

● Literary terms for analysis should be used throughout the essay– such as book, title, author, plot, story, storyline, chapter, etc.

● Each paragraph should link the events, characters, and themes to the main message of the author.

● Quotes are required to support statements about the literature throughout the essay.

● The concluding statements should focus on the same ideas as the thesis.

A literary essay is not a book report. Instead, it is a discussion, not critique, about a literary element emphasized in the literature being discussed. Avoid summarizing the plot and instead focus on the main points in the thesis.


1. Please see the scoring rubric below and use it as a checklist for the essay requirements.

2. The length requirement for this 5-paragraph essay is 900–1,500 words.

3. Scoring Rubric:

Literary Essay Scoring Rubric

▪ A 900 – 1500-word count is required

▪ Indent the first line of each paragraph – do not use block formatting -

▪ Use double space, Times New Roman 12pt OR Arial for the font – black ink.

Your score on the first draft of this assignment:

Your Score Criteria

20 The purpose of taking a stance on a literary topic and presenting information to support the stance is evident. All parts of the prompt are addressed.

20 STRUCTURE -The literary essay contains an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs and a conclusion that reinforces the main message of the author. Paragraphs are at least 5+ sentences in length.

30 INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: The thesis statement discussing the main message of the author (theme) is included in the introduction (1st paragraph) and appears at the end of the introductory paragraph. At the beginning of the essay, a hook captures the reader’s attention. The literary analysis states the name of the novel and the author in the introduction (1st paragraph)

40 Textual support of ideas (quotes) is noticeable throughout the essay. A strong connection between the evidence presented and the conclusions drawn is evident. Specific examples are provided to analyze the theme rather than summarize the novel.

20 Literary terms for analysis such as author, character, readers, audience, dialogue, story, plot, chapter, writer, novel, novelist, protagonist, antagonist, denouement, climax, and resolution are found throughout the essay.

20 GRAMMAR -The language of the paper is formally appropriate and clear. The paper shows evidence of being proofread for general errors before submittal.

20 TONE - The tone is consistently objective. No personal opinions or critique are present in the essay. The paper is written in 3rd person point of view.

15 VARIETY- Both sentence structures and sentence beginnings vary. The paper is apprised of a variety of words and word choices. (synonyms)

15 The literary essay is 900 - 1500 words.

200 Points earned on this assignment (out of 200 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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It is a universally acknowledged truth that “Pride and Prejudice” is a famous novel in the English language. Nevertheless, what is it about Jane Austen’s masterpiece that has held readers’ attention for over two centuries? Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” was first published in 1813. The novel is a satirical commentary on the societal norms of the early 19th century, particularly the expectations placed on women regarding marriage and social status. The novel revolves around the Bennet family, particularly the second eldest daughter, Elizabeth, known for her wit and intelligence. Elizabeth’s journey is marked by her interactions with the wealthy and handsome Mr. Darcy, whom she initially dislikes due to his perceived arrogance and pride. Thus, “Pride and Prejudice” is a masterful work of literature that employs a range of literary devices to explore important themes and critique societal norms. Austen’s use of characterization, setting, themes, irony, and satire all contribute to the enduring popularity and significance of the novel.
As a classic novel in the English canon, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is replete with literary elements contributing to its enduring appeal. A key element emphasized in the text is characterization. Austen is known for her masterful portrayal of characters and their personalities. The characters in Pride and Prejudice are no exception, with each one having a unique set of traits and quirks. For instance, the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, is known for her wit and intelligence. She is also fiercely independent and values her own opinions over the expectations of others. Elizabeth’s character is revealed through the line:
“I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me” (Austen 251). Moreover, Mr. Darcy is initially portrayed as arrogant and prideful, but he later reveals himself to be loyal and caring. In Chapter 3, he says, “My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever” (40), highlighting his tendency to hold grudges and high standards for others. In addition, Lydia is the youngest of Bennet’s sisters, and she is portrayed as flirtatious and impulsive. In Chapter 2, she says, “Oh! I am not at all afraid of her now” (5). It reflects her lack of judgment and disregard for the consequences of her actions. Finally, Mr. Collins is the cousin of the Bennet sisters, and he is portrayed as pompous and obsequious. In Chapter 14, he says that he had never witnessed such behavior in a person of rank (46), highlighting his tendency to flatter others and his lack of sincerity. Therefore, characterization is an essential element of “Pride and Prejudice” because it helps bring the novel’s themes and ideas to life by creating memorable and relatable characters.
Another critical element in the text is the setting. Setting plays a vital role in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” as it helps establish the period’s social norms and expectations and creates a context for the character’s actions and decisions. Firstly, the novel is set in early 19th century England, during the Regency era, where the class structure was rigidly defined, and social status was important. Therefore, the novel’s setting emphasizes the significance of wealth, property, and lineage in the characters’ lives and highlights their social constraints. For instance, when Elizabeth visits Mr. Darcy’s estate, Pemberley, she is struck by its grandeur and beauty: “Elizabeth was delighted. She had ne...
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