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Portfolio Letter. Shehab Abdulwahed

Essay Instructions:
All the instructions are attached with all the documents that you might need.. Tnaks Portfolio Letter 20/109 WRITE THE LETTER WRITE A FORMAL LETTER TO ME AS YOUR INSTRUCTOR that does at least some of the following not all of them:  describes the steps you've taken to improve this semester  describes what you've included in the portfolio and why you chose each piece  explains how each of the documents you've included has improved from early draft to final draft and why  reflects on what you've learned from these assignments about your own writing and about the standards and kinds of writing required in your field  includes specific examples from the documents you've included Begin the letter with “Professor Linville” and close the letter with “Sincerely” and your full name. Write your letter as if your portfolio is complete. For example, say “I have included” NOT “I will include.” Include a word count at the end. Suggested word count: 500. Post your work here. --------------- (Rev. Dec 2012)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Shehab Abdulwahed
January 17, 2013
Dear, Professor. Linsville:
For most students, comprehending and passing a course is a vital step in school life. Consequently, I have undertaken steps to improve my school work so as to have a good grasp of civil engineering and business courses and improve on my grades. This took a lot of hard work, initiative my part to achieve my set target. Thus, I undertook more writing classes to help me in writing and reading comprehension. Even though, engineering has many mathematical content my improved writing skills helped me to express my written assignments examinations in a clear and concise manner. Essentially, I began to see improvements in my communication through writing together with improved reading and my communication improved through writing and this also indirectly improve my reading skills.
This portfolio includes information on the relevance of writing at school level, with an emphasis on writing for the sciences, and the relevance of power points, blogs and argumentative essays. It also includes a personal interview with a senior engineering student I choose on types of writing because; this directly impacts on communication with the target audience. In case of power point presentation the use of formal language and highlighting the essential points, is vital for the message to be well received by the target audience. Furthermore, argumentative essays are relevant when looking into two sides of an argument where one get to understand fallacious arguments. Since these essays also help to organize arguments in convincing people to acc...
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