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My favorite author - Stephenie Meyer

Essay Instructions:
who is your favorite author? why is this pearson's work important to you?in an essay of about 4 pages,please describe who the author is,what important work the person has written,and why any one should care about this writer.you may choose a person living or dead,who has written(puplished)poetry,drama,fiction or creative nonficition.
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My Favorite Author: Stephenie Meyer
Stephanie Meyer is an American author who gained world-wide popularity for her vampire romance thriller series ‘Twilight’. Inspired by a vivid dream that came to her in June 2003, Stephenie completed her first book ‘Twilight’ in 2005 that sold over 100 million copies around the world and was translated to 35 different languages (Stepheniemeyer.com). By the time other books of the series ‘New Moon’ in 2006 and ‘The Eclipse’ in 2007 were released, the Twilight Saga became the best-selling novel series and the most talked about love story. The novels are compared to J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter series, however, unlike Rowling, Stephenie’s writing career didn’t came to a halt after the four novels of the Twilight series were published. She has written few other novels including another best-selling science fiction novel ‘The Host’. Meyer has been regarded as one of the 100 most influential people By Time’s Magazine in 2008 and as the most powerful celebrity in 2009 by Forbes (Kostihova 15).
Stephenie’s Literary Works
By Meyer’s own account as retrieved from her interviews and official web page, her engagement with the Twilight characters began from a dream she had in the mid 2003 in which she saw an average girl in deep conversation with an attractive vampire who was falling in love with her but at the same time, struggling to end his thirst for her blood. After the book was accepted and published, Stephenie rose steeply from anonymity to renown. The book stayed on the Top Ten Books list for 52 consecutive weeks, breaking the record of Harry Potter series (Clarke and Osborn 184).
Following the success of Twilight, Stephenie stretched the story to three more books; New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. All four novels achieved the title of best-sellers and were ranked high by New York Times. Meyer is the first author to have all four books score first position on USA Today’s annual list and was also given the title of best-selling author of the year 2009. The film adaptations also contributed heavily in enhancing the popularity of the novels.
Stephenie’s Writing Style
One of the main reasons why Stephenie’s literary works are admired by millions of readers worldwide is her unique ideas and characters influenced heavily by her faith. Even though she didn’t receive any formal writing education, yet Twilight came as a fresh wave to the modern literature, as labeled by Times Magazine, “A Mormon housewife turned into a novelist” (Kostihova 16). Her descriptive and solid writing styles combined with her strong imagination simply overwhelmed the readers who enjoy romantic stories.
Stephenie revealed in an interview that she loves reading Jane Austen and to a great extent, her writings have a strong flavor of Jane’s style. Her storytelling pours like a steady, slow torrent, its bank opulent with adjectives and adverbs. Many also claim that Meyer’s writings are greatly inspired by L.M Montgomery and Charlotte Bronte. The alluring characters of Bella and Edward have appealed to huge percentage of young fans. She is presented as a regular girl who is driven by her emotions, makes wrong decisions flee when in pain and suffer silently while Edward is adored because of his ...
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