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Argumentative Essay - Your Position on Pirated Movies

Essay Instructions:
Assignments: Argumentative Essay Essay Topic: Your Position on Pirated Movies Develop a thesis statement on the topic of pirated movies (consequences for those who distribute them, what should be done to stop pirated movies, etc.) and write an argumentative essay. Use a variety of sources, such as books, articles, and websites, to support your thesis. Include paraphrase, summaries, and/or direct quotations in your argumentative research paper. Address at least one counterargument from your opposition. Use the MLA format to create proper parenthetical citations as well as a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. The guidelines for this assignment are: Length: This assignment should be a minimum of 3 typed pages or at least 750 words Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information: - Your first and last name - Course Title (Composition I) - Assignment name (Argumentative Essay) - Current Date Format: - Standard 12 point font (Arial, Times, Verdana) - 1” margins on all sides - Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Course Assignment Date Criminality of Movie Pirating Movie pirating is selling of copies that have not been granted the rights to sell. This makes it illegal as selling of movies is allowed at retail stores and companies that have entered into an agreement with holders of copyright. Accessing of any movie does not grant anyone the right to make and sell copies. A wide network of black market thrives around the country that manufactures and distributes pirated movies. For many citizens, this is not important because movie pirating is illegal, and does not matter whether the copied movies are of high quality (Hinduja, 24). The law confirms that copying of movies without authorization is illegal, and the culprits perform an illegal act. Purchasing pirated movies contribute largely to the illegal activity because it erodes revenue from the filmmakers. Copying of movies for purposes of reselling is thus, coined as stealing, since movie pirates earn income off products that do not belong to them instead of licensing their own movies, and consumers buying pirated movies boost theft. Pirating of movies is an illegal act and should not be legalized, and the necessary steps be taken on behalf of the film industry to stop piracy from happening, due to its impact on the film industry and the country’s economy at large. The movie industry and studios are adversely affected negatively by piracy. Plenty of resources are utilized film production, but piracy has resulted to the industry profits dwindling. This is because of many consumers downloading movies from the internet, which significantly impacts the movie industry in certain ways. There is a need to employ a mechanism to stop movie pirating since it is a mode of stealing (Bocij, 44). The technological advancements have made pirated movies to attain high quality, and this makes the vice to increase. This illegal practice makes the movie companies to suffer greatly, given that their earnings are constantly falling. With the industry estimated to employ more than a million people, most of them do not earn much and only the super class actors that are not hurt by pirating (Hinduja, 36). The low earners in the industry are adversely affected by pirates, although many internet users do not realize anything wrong with piracy. Some people find it wrong, but continue with the act of pirating thereby affecting other internet users’ values and morals by inciting others to steal. There is a need to reduce the number of pirated releases to eliminate piracy, and ensure internet users are aware that it is unethical to pirate. Security measures and enforcement laws should be put in place to ensure t...
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