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The Environment: Plastic Bags Should Be Banned

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Plastic Bags Should Be Banned
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The environment is one of an essential part of life. In this case, life entails the characteristic attributes of economic, social and health issues. Protecting the environment is, therefore, an essential part of everyone’s life. Based on the same aspect of protecting the environment, a question arises of us of plastic bags in carriage activities. In most of the grocery chopping, plastic bags are the most convenient to use. This is about essential attributes of economic consideration. On the other hand, the same plastic bags have contributed to large environmental pollution effects in the environment that they are used. This will form the basis of the discussion. The reason why the plastic bags, despite their contribution to the daily activities, should be banned form use.
Plastic bags form one of the most significant quantities of wastes in the world. The ease of use and accessibility of the bags increases their level of wastage in the community (Rochman at. al., 2013). According to environmentalist, the plastic bags form one of the most iconic symbols of wastes in the society. Large deposits of domestic wastes have a higher percentage of them being plastic bags. In other cases, the waste carriers are also plastic bags. This increases the quantity of waste that is collected from one region. Consequently, the increase in waste increases the amount of capital used in handling the wastes and the methods of treating them.
The government must come up with a way of discarding and destroying the plastic bags. Conventional methods of waste disposal cannot be used in the presence of synthetic bags since they are non-biodegradable making them a common form of waste (Rochman at. al., 2013). However, one aspect to consider the benefits of plastic bags and the non-biodegradability of the fact that they can be used for an extended period. This saves money to the consumer. The long-term effect is, however, adverse which makes the use of the plastic bags a danger to the environment. Based on these, the plastic bags should be banned.
One might argue that the notion that plastic bags can be reused makes them very useful. This is correct and cannot be explained by as a single fact. However, the reusability of the bags does not counteract the fact that the bags have a negative effect on the wildlife in a country or an environment. One basic concept is that in case the plastic bags find their way into water bodies, the flow of air into the water can...
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