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Benefits Of Staying Put: The Illusion Of Immigration

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Essay topic: According to Olmstead, what is the benefit and meaning of staying out put? To what extent do you agree with her benefits or not? Minimum two specific examples support your thesis(personal experience, observation, or example form book or website)
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The Benefits of Staying Put
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December 6, 2017
Perhaps one of the most nostalgic feelings in the world is the feeling of being home. In most cases, we define home as simply where you lived most of your life, while in some other case, knowing where it truly lies might be harder to define. In the article written by Olmstead, he discussed one of the ideas of creating and loving one’s home. Particularly, he said that with our own decisions to stay in one particular place as compared to moving from place to place we create a place where our hearts really belong, and by doing so we create wonders. To presuppose his argument, Olmstead first discussed what we famously knew as the “flight or fight response”. As human beings, our evolutionary instincts has made us more inclined towards flight as compared to fighting the obstacles that come hurling at us. Thus, due to our inclination to run, Olmstead said that one of the results is that we humans tend to migrate from one place to another in the search of the greener pasture. In contrast to our inherent tendencies towards flight, he discussed how staying still could help us become stronger, more caring, and more adaptable to any situation that comes in our own territory. In his own words, he said that sitting still, not like the “paralysis of the dread”, but one that is characterized by “reverent, respectful waiting, and deep attentiveness to forces greater than our own”, could help us gain a vision of where we are CITATION San99 \l 1033 (Sanders). In line with this ideas, I do believe that establishing yourself in one particular territory does not only help you become more mindful of your situation, but also that of others. In the succeeding sections of this article, this idea put forward by Olmstead would be discussed in further detail. Nonetheless, by the end of this article, I would discuss my own point of view, that despite of our own wants to stay put and face the risks of the “tornado” just as what the Millers did, sometimes moving out and finding a better pasture presents itself as the better option.
The Illusion of Immigration
These days, immigration has been considered by many people as the one-stop solution to their problems. Many families move from one place to another or one country to the other, thinking that in their next destination more opportunities await and better interactions are bound to happen. This is perhaps the reason as to why today, the phenomenon of immigration almost always equates to the idea of the “American Dream”. The American Dream represents the mindset that all the possibilities await an individual as they go the “land of the free”, the United States. This concept, however, presupposes the idea of moving away from one’s country and working in the US either with your family or all by yourself to reap the promises that it offers. However, one of the problems of this is that this phenomenon happens so quickly that the rate of those who “flights” is becoming higher and higher than those who “fight” and establishes themselves in their own places where they could truly call “home”. Accor...
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