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Meditations on First Philosophy

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1. The paper must be typed, double-spaced, with standard margins and headers and footers no larger than 1 inch. Use Normal Times 12 font. 2. Add the following statement at the bottom of the last page of your paper: I, your name, attest that the preceding pages were produced by me. I may have consulted other texts and individuals for support of my ideas and opinions, but these pages are my interpretation of texts and facts. Where the words and ideas are not mine, I have clearly so indicated. I understand the university's policy on academic integrity. 3. Place your name, date, and course and section numbers in the header of the paper on one line. 4. Make sure to save your paper with the following file name: [your last name] Final Paper. Example: Bohorquez Final Paper.doc. If you are working with Microsoft Word, you generally don't have to worry about adding the .doc at the end of the document name. 5. You must submit your paper in a format that is compatible with Microsoft Word 2007. If I have difficulty reading your paper because of the format in which it was submitted, I will consider your paper as not submitted. 6. Submit this as an attachment to Blackboard Learn. I will not accept hard copies or e-mail submissions of your paper. Make sure that you know how to and can submit to Blackboard Learn before the deadline. 7. You must also have at least 6 relevant and explanatory quotes from the primary text with which we have worked. 8. When referring to texts please use parenthetical or endnotes. Use marginal pages, where appropriate, when citing texts. 9. The length of the paper MUST be at least the minimum. Half or three-quarter pages DO NOT count as full pages. The book you need is MEDITATIONS ON FIRST PHILOSOPHY by RENE DESCARTES 3rd edition Write a 4 to 6-page essay responding to the following question: Descartes' method of radical doubt leads to a temporary rejection of the existence of his body and the external world. But he gets them back. Provide a cogent, coherent, and clear exegesis, with as much detail as necessary, of the arguments for the rejection of the external world and for its re-acceptance. Make sure to discuss Descartes' analysis of dreams versus wakefulness. Why does he initially think dreams are a problem? And how does he eventually dismiss them as a problem for knowledge of the external world?
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Meditations on First Philosophy
Rene Descartes lived in the years fifteen century and early sixteenth century. He was born in France at a place called Tours. He had law degree and was privileged to travel around Europe where he realized a passion for philosophy and mathematics. Most of his years were spent in Holland where he published physics, mathematics, philosophy and other sciences. He is credited with the invention of coordinate system and the analytic geometry that bears his name ‘Cartesian’. He supported the notion that the earth rotates around the sun, a fact that had been aired by Galileo amongst numerous criticisms.
The mediator at some point is surprised by the confusion from facts he considered certain. This is the reason on the mediator rebuilding, restructuring and pre-conventionalizing from the ground work. The mediator accepts true claims to allegations that are certain (Descartes 24). He believed in the powers of senses in getting back what he thought he knew. The mediator involves himself in methodological thoughts that give him light to the dreams experienced. He believed that by dreaming, the senses were being deceived by the devil or God, this is the fact that drives the mediator go ahead with the allegations, that he cannot trust his senses anymore (Descartes 30).
A conflicting issue arises in doubting of the human existence. He continued to assert that someone is involved in doubting and thinking on issues. The fact, the mediator’s existence poses a challenge in that he cannot argue about it, he concludes that he exists and that he is thinking, a fact that places him onto a human being who is thinking (Descartes 32). He continues to assert that he is intellect and that the mind is recognized better to him than the body. The perception challenging the existence of the mediator comes in with a clear notion of own existence. This sure state of existence, as he phrases is not fully replicable to other situations (Descartes 60).
The mediator tries to create a platform that proves the perceptions as indubitable. This is the reason behind the allegations of being sure of himself. The first assumption come is the knowing that God exists. He believes that God is far much perfect than him and that the senses are not deceiving him (Descartes 64). He continues to assert that only a human being with attributes close to that of God can be perfect. The mediator makes a conclusion that God exists. The mediator considered God perfect to levels that He cannot deceive the mediator.
Errors that arise in the processes are driven by the fact that human beings are imperfect and often the judgments surpass the intellect limitations on issues that are considered distinct and unclear. The clarity of grasping issues is attributed by God (Descartes 72). This is reasons behind why the mediator does not challenge God but go ahead to challenge the material things. He asserts that the primary attributes involved in the human body resonates with the extension that defines the primary qualities which are related to the body shape, body size, body breath among other critical attributes.
The mediator goes ahead to clarify on the God’s existent by asserting that while the bodies are extended, God is in the existence. He is convinced that God that does exist, and is compatible to the body that cannot be extended (Descartes 108). The mediator has a strong believe that the purpose of the body is actually extension and that the mind plays the roles of thinking. Dreams develop as a result of thinking through imagination; this heavily relies on the senses. The mediator cannot believe the dreams in that they are deceiving him, just like his senses. The mediator is confused and has unclear explanation of the secondary qualities.
Dreams are associated with cheating the mediator; this is why they are considered as a problem to the knowledge of the external world (Descartes 106). The mediator believes that the senses are ...
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