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Romeo and Juliet

Essay Instructions:
the essay topic is :who is to blame for the tragedy of romeo and juliet deaths?. the should have 3 body paragraphs, for the 1st body paragraph has to explain who is to blame. in the 2nd body paragraph : who is more to blame. in 3rd body paragraph : who is most to blame. and every body paragraph shoud includes qouts from the play and proof plus explonation
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Name: Course Name: Instructor`s Name: Date of Submission: Romeo and Juliet First I would blame the Montagues and the Capulets families for their intensive hatred towards the two lovers. It is because of the family fears that the two partners used to meet in secret places. Romeo and Juliet opted to run away in order to retain their relationships as their families were determined to separate them. It is clearly shown in the book that Capulets family had already chosen a Paris to marry their daughter, who later declined the offer. That is why the nurse is quoted saying, "You are to blame, my Lord, to rate her so." We also see Lord Capulet threatening to through Juliet out of the house if she dare refuse to marry Paris. And when all this was happening Lady Capulets also refused to support her daughter and instead sided with her husband. That`s why she was noted saying, "Talk not to me, for I'll not speak a word, Do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee." The two families made it so hard for Romeo and Juliet`s relationship, which eventually caused their fateful deaths. The two adults Fliar Laurence and the nurse are to be blamed more for the death of Romeo and Juliet. This is because they assisted the two to get married, and as nurse is quoted saying, "For the gentlewoman is young and therefore, if you should deal double with her, truly it were an ill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman, and very weak dealing." This statement is however ai...
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