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Advertising Is A Mind Game

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of the Persuasive Essay assignment is to choose a topic that has some debatable issue. You will then take a position on that issue and write a 2 full-page Persuasive Essay trying to influence you to accept or agree with your position on this issue.

Here are the details:

1. Read the Lecture Notes in Unit 5 on persuasive writing. Also, especially read Chapter 10.9 in the online text for ideas on how to construct an approach persuasive writing. Here is the link to that chapter:

https://open(dot)lib(dot)umn(dot)edu/writingforsuccess/chapter/10-9-persuasion/ (Links to an external site.)

While all the information in this chapter can be helpful, what is especially helpful is the information under the heading "Writing a Persuasive Essay."

2. Choose a topic. Your topic will be on some issue of debate where you are able to take a side on that issue. The instructor of your class will let you know if you may write on any topic or if there will be limitations on what you may choose to write on.

3. Unlike the previous two-unit essays, there is no required outline or pattern that you have to use for organizing this essay. However, you will want to plan your organization so your ideas connect and make sense to the reader. You may use either of the patterns from the previous two units. Also, you may look at the different patterns presented in Chapter 10 for ideas. As a bit of advice, the structure is shown in Chapter 10.9 under the heading "Structure of a Persuasive Essay" is a helpful model to look at.

4. Since this essay is more persuasive instead of argumentative, you do not have to do any formal research, but you should have explanations and support for any positions you offer.

5. The essay will be at least two full pages long but no more than four pages (unless you have your instructor's permission to go over 4 pages). You will use the MLA formatting guidelines that you used in the previous essays.

6. Include a title for your essay.

7. After writing the essay, be sure to take the time to read it several times for revision and editing. It would be helpful to have at least one other person proofread it as well before submitting the assignment.


Persuasive Essay Grading Rubric

Persuasive Essay Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Presentation of Issue (Introduction and Thesis)

20 pts


You clearly understand the issue and are able to explain its significance. You include enough information about the issue, its seriousness, and frame it for your audience.

17 pts


You have a clear understanding of the issue, though you may not include enough information and/or frame it thoroughly for your audience.

15 pts


You appear to understand the issue, but you do not adequately explain it and/or your position on the issue is unclear.

12 pts


Your understanding and/or your expression and explanation of the issue is inadequate or flawed.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Support (Key points and explanations)

20 pts


Topic and thesis are well-supported. Paper incorporates specific details and clear examples that fully explain and support the author’s position.

17 pts


Topic and thesis are supported, and paper incorporates some details and examples, though additional information would have been helpful in supporting the position.

15 pts


Topic and thesis are somewhat supported, using minimal details and examples, and/or details and examples do not adequately support the author's controlling point.

12 pts


Topic and thesis are not adequately supported and/or paper does not use sufficient details and examples to defend the position.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clarity and Organization

20 pts


Well organized, logical, and clearly articulated. Ideas are connected smoothly. Each paragraph contains a clearly focused topic sentence that relates to the thesis statement, and each paragraph focuses solely on that topic/point.

17 pts


Mainly organized, logical, and clearly articulate. Appropriate transitions used to connect ideas. Each paragraph contains a topic sentence that relates to the thesis statement, and the details largely focus on supporting that topic/point.

15 pts


Lacks organization, logic, and/or clarity. Transitions used to connect ideas are ineffective. At least one topic sentence is not clear or does not relate to the thesis statement. There are details, but they are not clear and/or specific or the paragraphs may not stay focused on a single topic/point.

12 pts


Not organized or clear. Appropriate transitions are not used to connect ideas. Paragraphs are lacking apparent topic sentences, and supporting details are either incorrect or insufficient.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Style

20 pts


Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Consistent and appropriate tone and word choice is used throughout the essay.

17 pts


Writing is clear and sentences have varied structure. There is consistent tone and word choice is appropriate for a college-level paper.

15 pts


Writing is clear, but sentences may lack variety. The tone is inconsistent and word choice, while adequate, could be better.

12 pts


Writing is confusing and hard to follow. Paper contains sentence fragments and/or run-on sentences. The tone and purpose are inconsistent and difficult to determine.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar and Punctuation

10 pts


No errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, or capitalization.

9 pts


A few minor errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, or capitalization, but they do not detract from the overall meaning and effectiveness of the essay.

7 pts


Several errors in punctuation, grammar, spelling, and capitalization, but while distracting, the meaning and intent of the essay can still be discerned.

6 pts


Distracting and major errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome MLA Format

10 pts


No errors.

9 pts


One or two minor errors.

7 pts


Several errors in formatting.

6 pts


Paper does not follow MLA formatting guidelines.

10 pts

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Persuasive Essay Assignment
Advertising Is A Mind Game.
People believe that advertising is a great way to market an organizations product. Very advertisement is made to evoke certain feelings in the mind of the consumer. This explains where there are different types of advertising. Organizations ensure to create the best advert that will achieve its intended purpose. People have different perceptions about advertising as a mind game, which determines whether an individual will buy the product being advertised. Therefore, advertising is a mind game because it persuades people to buy things they never intended to buy, comes in different forms and target different consumers.
Advertising is a mind game because it persuades people to buy items that they never intend to buy. Some advertisements can make a product look good than it is. The advertisers aim to evoke such feelings in the user (van Dam, Sophia, and Eva). Therefore, the moment a person has bought an item because an advertisement appealed to them, it makes advertising a mind game. In some case, people find themselves having bought an item that they might never use. It is the persuasive nature of advertisements that enables an individual to change their thinking. For instance, if a person considers a particular product as unimportant in their life, an advert can play with their mind and make them think that the product is essential in their life.
Advertising qualifies to be a mind game due to the various forms that it might take. Some examples of such forms are deceptive and persuasive advertisements. Whenever advertisers make adverts, they know that the advert is either deceptive or persuasive. The advertisers know that the various forms of advertising will change an individual's perspectiv...
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