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Tracking Technology

Essay Instructions:

Please read the attached article and in a well thought out essay (3 pages, double spaced, 12 Times New Roman Font).

How does this technology make you feel?

Do you see it being beneficial or intrusive?

Do you think Educational Institutions should use this type of technology? What about Employers?

Are you for this type of technology?

What are your own thoughts on this technology?


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Tracking Technology
The technology is astonishing because it creates a disconnect between real outside world events and campus controlled environments. It removes the human nature of the education system and fails to fortify the importance of education among people (Drew n.p). The advent of technology made human lives simpler because we were able to simplify our interactions. Technology was the source of the term ‘globalization’ where communication and traveling challenges were mitigated, and information could be shared easily. As technology advanced, a breed of companies emerged and became successful depending on the type and amount of data they collected from people. We now live in a controlled environment where people can be manipulated through the content they receive in media outlets. The media dictates how and when people behave rather than people taking charge individually. Globally, especially in European and Asian nations, there have been calls to prevent companies from collecting and manipulating all types of data collected in people’s gadgets. The analogy is that the data may be manipulated and put the lives of people at risk. This article reveals another side of the debate, related to the breaching of law and its psychological effects on school-going populations.
The applications and software that monitor students on campus are illegal, although they are heralded because they help in the motivation of students to attend class and perform better. The structuring of the entire article was dubious because it started by detailing how professor Jeff Rubin tracks his students in class the format he uses to award his points (Drew n.p). Class attendance may have a direct influence on performance, but it is not the determining metric. In the digital age, there are online libraries where students can access information at any time and place. The student can also choose when to interact with the information, and it is apparent that some of these lessons share notes in softcopies that can be accessed outside the class. Grading students based on attendance is hence irrational because technology has made it simpler to interact with the information.
Moreover, a student may be in class and not engage in the lesson, thus missing the entire point of being present. Another student may fail to attend the class and devote to personal study of the shared content. In this case, the second stude...
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