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Personalities, Happiness, and Emotional Intelligence of Beautiful People

Essay Instructions:

I need a thesis written last sentence of introduction. Each paragraph needs to back up the thesis. Clear topic sentences, details and examples and good Transitional sentences. Has to be 5 paragraphs. Here’s the question the paper needs to be written on: what’s make people beautiful to you?

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What Makes People Beautiful To You?
There exist numerous ways that society perceives beauty. When defining beauty, society emphasizes the physical appearance of individuals instead of behaviors, personalities, and characters. Beautiful is defined as the pleasing individual's senses aesthetically. In other words, something or someone beautiful can be said to be nice-looking, pretty, attractive, or good-looking. However, in my opinion, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Someone who appears beautiful to me can be classified as not nice-looking by another person. What makes people beautiful to me is their personalities, happiness, and emotional intelligence.
Personality refers to the combination of qualities or traits that make people have unique characters and behaviors. In my opinion, physical attributes, such as body weight, shape, sexiness, and facial appearance, contribute to a small percentage of a person's beauty (Ipsos). The way individuals behave and their traits are what make them beautiful. In that light, I believe that everyone is beautiful in their way. However, only people that understand each other well know the beauty of a person. For instance, someone can be good at comforting people during catastrophic events. Others might be good at making people jovial regardless of the setting. When it comes to educators, some are best in teaching and making all students participate and learn crucial concepts. All these individuals are beautiful in unique ways and cannot be compared.
Happiness makes people beautiful. When individuals are happy, they express it in various ways, such as laughing, sharing stories, and singing. In that light, people engage in activities that they love the most when they ...
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