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Freedom in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Professor Shoshana Zuboff

Essay Instructions:

Final Interpretive Exercise
My team choose zuboff's article, please follow the Final interpretive exercise to complete the work.The end of the document is the focus of our group discussion, a PASSage we wrote in class.Can be used as an example for your reference. 1. Select an idea-rich quote that includes one of the following concepts of your choice.2. Remember to identify the key terms in the selected quote and use it in your analysis/explanation.3. Write two to three paragraphs. In this assignment, you are encouraged to write from your own personal point of view, considering some aspect of your experience regarding the concept of your choice.4. Create a PowerPoint presentation that presents your FIE with multimodal “relevant” resources to share.• “Optimization” from "Always be Optimizing" by Jia Tolentino• “Love” from “Love 2.0” by Barbara Fredrickson• “Reality” from “Immune to Reality” by Daniel Gilbert• “Free Will” from “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” by Shoshana• “Self-Esteem” from "An Army of One" by TwengeThe FIE will be shorter than a formal analytic essay, consisting of two-to-three double-spaced pages (i.e., 700-800 words). While you were encouraged in your analytical essays to include multiple texts and quotes in every body paragraph, you are not required to use multiple texts and there need only be an inclusion of one quote in the entire exercise (though you are welcome to use more). How you choose to discuss or analyze this quote is entirely up to you and should be dictated by how you've chosen to analyze your experience.  Group 2: People are unaware of society limiting their freedom of choice due to algorithms created from a person’s private data to predict their behavior. People are not free to make choices, their decisions are controlled by companies purposefully withholding information and forcing consumers to follow the agenda of capitalism. Zuboff supports this claim when stating how society uses systems such as Google or social media to invade an individual’s privacy, “Meanwhile, Google learned the art of invasion by declaration, taking what it wanted and calling it theirs.” (Zuboff 341). Most of our data is stored in the online world, our data is left unprotected on the internet and free to companies such as google. People who learn of these methods are fearful of the government and companies using their data to track them. Many people do not know that they’re exposing their data online and are not taking preventative measures to protect themselves. People must become self-aware of industrial capitalism’s pursuit of profit where they mechanize human beings by driving the efficiency of workers from artificial intelligence and data collection. Individuals can take necessary actions to prevent their free-will from being diminished. These actions include making sure their data is not exposed and using VPN’s to protect their information. Secure passwords that differentiate from one another depending on the platform is another helpful step in ensuring that sites such as Facebook, Instagram, or Google are not using privacy agreements as a way to harm their users. Lastly, reducing the amount of internet usage and preventing the amount of data we stores can aid in stopping companies from tracking our data.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Freedom in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism
Shoshana Zuboff states in his book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, that "…. I recognize my direct experience of freedom as an inviolate truth that cannot be reduced to the behaviorists' formulations of life as necessarily accidental and random, shaped by external stimuli beyond my knowledge or influence and haunted by irrational and untrustworthy mental processes that I can neither discern nor avoid" (Zuboff 331). It is depicted that freedom revolves around three different but yet related aspects; autonomy, privacy, and authenticity. Unfortunately, all three aspects of freedom have been directly undermined by surveillance capitalists endlessly pursuing profits. Privacy remains a critical aspect in attaining freedom for humans, as there can never be freedom without privacy. Privacy is best defined as the personal space where one can be free from external intrusion or necessary oversight. Still, surveillance capitalism has been allowed to thrive such that personal space is no longer possible. Surveillance capitalists have advanced and now intrude into human lives through behavioral data. Everything has been designed perfectly so that consumers hardly notice or understand how their data is being recommended and sold for profit.
Consumers treasure the services and the conveniences offered to them by the "smart" devices sold to them by capitalists, including toys, smart television sets, thermostats, among others, and hardly notice how data companies invade and spy on lives. These TV sets and many other smart devices collect location, browser history, likes, and preferences, among other things. The more known or recorded about a person, the more the capitalist can analyze the data and use it to control further and manipulate consumers. Surveillance capitalist has undermined consumer freedom and autonomy for many years and treated humans as commodities. Most technologies at our disposal today are not just gadgets (mobile phones, laptops, among others) but are instead devices modified to collect data about users and trigger behaviors that are profitable to the capitalist. Everything in our world today revolves around profit, which explains why surveillance capitalist has created the technology that alters behavior and slowly robs people of their future. Surveillance capitalists realize that killing freedom and autonomy makes it possible for consumers to take whatever they like without question. Their remedy has been to offer a substitution of freedom with a new domain of nature based on a cause-and-ef...
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