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Personal News. May: wedding, savings target and car purchase

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Personal News
May: wedding, savings target and car purchase

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Personal News
May: wedding, savings target and car purchase
In the world around, Trump withdrawing from the Iran deal, the Hawaii Kīlauea volcano was erupting and North Korea demolishing her nuclear test sites were top news stories in May of 2018.  In my world though, the most important events were attending my cousin’s wedding, getting at $3,000 savings target and my brother buying his first car.
 Attending my cousin’s wedding
 Attending a  wedding is  a joyous moment, and it is no different when I attended my cousin’s wedding  Jean at Saint Paul, Minnesota I had not  visited Minnesota in the past two years and I was eager to attend the event.  My family and I had been informed prior about the wedding I came to appreciate the level of details and planning required, if my mother and I had differences on the choice of gifts and outfits.    Ever before boarding the plane I wondered how the couple finalized the details and longed for the day.
So, the whole family packs our luggage and off we head to the destination taking a short flight.  I am wondering how the couple must be feeling, but since they have known each other for two years, it is not like one’s first day at school.  While it was at first awkward to interact with people I had never met, the experience was joyous and delight. Even people’s behavior at weddings tend to conform to their gender expectations, but people may attach different meanings to a wedding (Fairchild 375).  I cannot downplay the effort that was put to make the occasion a success.  My cousins and I stayed at the wedding reception to welcome other guests.
 The wedding guests have less flexibility than the groom and bride, and my parents took this into consideration by booking and planning eight weeks prior to the wedding. 
Attending the wedding is also an opportunity to see and interact with relatives who live in different states.   Even now I am still impressed by the level of planning, from the choice of dress to the food menu and organization before and after the wedding ceremony.
  Saving target of $3,000  
  As the old adage goes ‘save for a rainy day', meaning it is worthwhile to set money aside for the future and even and emergency. When I first set the savings target, the aim was to save small amounts of money and allow me to buy the things I want and need without requiring the help of others.  From when I was a teenager my parents highlighted the need to plan for the future. To begin with, this seem farfetched, b...
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