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Extended definition essay. Literature & Language Essay

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 extended definition essay double space if you use any sources site them please . You can write about love

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It is an inexplicable feeling we all yearn for. We all deserve and need it but very few ever get it or experience it. There is nothing wrong with love but there is a problem in how we define it. We define love as an expectation from other people. We want other people to love us though we keep changing how they should love us and expect them to know even without saying it. We accord expectations to those who love us and hold them in that regard. For example, we want to define how many times they should call us, what they should say about our choices of dressing, where they ought to take us and for what among other things. We have defined our love materially and directed the expense of our expectations to those who claim to love us. We have become an expense to them if they are to show they love us. There is nothing wrong with love, the problem is how we define it.
Love is demonstrated through actions though loving someone is not necessarily doing what you expect them to do but being at liberty to do what they think is best for both of you. It is not wrong to spend on someone you love but the motives must not be selfish from either of the parties. Spending on someone you love is important as it helps build and strengthen the bond between the two of you. For most of us, our view of love is selfish. We just have many expectations of what people should do to us. We also take anything we spend on people we ‘love’ seriously and expect them to ‘love’ it. We don’t want them to express their honest opinion on what you may have got them and most just pretend that they loved it to avoid disappointing their partners. And these masks a lot which could have build your relationship. So, how do you love exactly?
We love when we understand that the universe or the world was not created to conform to our thoughts or wishes. We understand that other people are different and have different goals, methods, approaches, ways of communicating their feeling and not necessarily our own. ‘Most people see the problem of love primarily as that of being loved, rather than that of loving’ CITATION Fro56 \l 1033 (Fromm). We have to let go of our obsessive individualism which veils our ability to love or be loved. The walls we erect around ourselves makes it difficult for others to love us for who we are and also hinders our ability to love purely. Rather than attaching too many selfish expectations to love, we would be accommodating because we love. This does not mean we allow other people to step over us or violate our basic principles. Through having many expectations out of love is precisely what makes us what we do not wish to have or want. The world cannot conform to our every wish but we can adjust our wishes and there is a confluence in the world for that.
Love itself is not meant to be perfect but a complementary component for the imperfect. CITATION Sam99 \l 1033 (Keen) once noted that, ‘you come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imper...
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