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People’s Influence on Children’s Behavior

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Name Course Instructor Date People’s Influence on Children’s Behavior Introduction The quality of parenting and the environment in which children are brought up greatly contributes to their development. According to studies on the effectiveness of parenting on child development, positive behavior is mainly determined by the mother’s influence. (Hannan & Luster 18) The care and development process of the infant depends on the mother's characteristics. This paper therefore examines the factors that determine the way in which children are raised and the impact of of the parents' and the teachers’ influence, the social environment, including their peers in relation to the child's behavior ,the family’s level of comfort in terms of financial ability, the child’s physical condition or the family’s levels of stress . People’s influence on child behavior. It is important for the mother to have a positive attitude towards the child especially within within its first year because this contributes towards the behavior of the child. Mothers who have an insensitive and inconsiderate attitude cause their infants to become irritable. Often, this is attributed to poor family social and economic support . When mothers get good financial support from their spouses ,they show great concern for their children. (Hannan & Luster 19) Characteristics that are the main determinants of parenting including the mother’s background, context and the child’s characteristics. Maternal characteristics include the level of education of the mother, aptitude, sense of worth and her age at first birth. Education determines the quality of care given to the child. It also determines the home setup and hence better quality of care for their children. Educated mothers prepare their home in such a way that it is conducive to cognitive activities for their children.(Hannan & Luster 19) Intelligent mothers are able to provide care for their young ones because children are at a tender age requires a bright mind. These include interpreting and understanding signals from children with communication problems, guiding them from danger and unacceptable activities and managing the child’s demands. The environment where children are raised together with the mother’s intelligence has contributed towards the development of the child's brightness. The mother's emotional stability also determines how she relates to her children because it helps to build self-esteem in the children. (Hannan & Luster 20) The mother's age at first birth is of great influence as teenage mothers have little experience and tend to give little supportive care to their young ones compared to mature mothers. It is a fact that the age of the mother at first birth also affects the home environment on a range of issues like educational achievements, the number of children to bear, the presence of a spouse in the home and family income. It actually directly relates to the quality of life that the children lead. The financial resources of a family form an important characteristic when it comes to the quality of the home surroundings, the presence of a paternal head and the number of children. The father provides emotional and financial su...
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