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Repent Harlequin Said the TickTock Man

Essay Instructions:

1. Read the short story "'Repent Harlequin!"' Said the Ticktockman" by Harlan Ellison (257-266) in Brave New Worlds.

2. Watch the short film: The Price of Life /Director and Screenplay by Stephen Tolkin (1987)

After watching the short film, compare it to the story "'Repent Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman'"

Write a comparison to the short film adaption The Price of Life (300-400 words). Which one is more engaging and why? Give at least two points of comparison.

Write a well-developed, organized and thoughtful essay that demonstrates you have read the story and watched the film closely. Include an arguable thesis, specific evidence and details, and analysis. Use appropriate comparison transitions. Proofread carefully.

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“Repent Harlequin!” Said the Tick-tock man
Life is precious and every hour, minute and second that one is granted to be alive is something worth celebrating. The story “Repent Harlequin” said the Tick-tock man and the film “Price of Life” talk about the importance of time in one’s life and how wasting any time can lead to the hours of life being reduced. In The Price of Life, this time is considered as a form of currency that one can choose to buy, sell, use to pay debts with or even squander. In Repent Harlequin, there is strict regulation of time and lateness is considered a big crime. Generally, the two works emphasis the fact that the hours of life are very important and people should invest in them wisely lest they run out of time.
In both the short story and the film, the main idea is the enslavement of man to time. Evidently, human beings are so obsessed with time that they will do anything to add more to their years. In the case of Repent Harlequin, every minute counts and punctuality is a must-have quality. Those who do not respect time are punished by death as the Tick-tock man who is the Master Timekeeper, uses the “cardioplate” to “turn their hearts off.” In like manner, this enslavement is also evident in The Price of Life film where credit cards are used as a means of buying or trading off one’s life. For instance, the boy Zachary involves himself in all kinds of trades in order to buy extra years for his mother who has a very heavy loan debt to pay. The value placed on time is evidenced by the fact that the debt can onl...
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