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Peer Review: Cheating as a Source of Motivation

Essay Instructions:

Read Those 2 essays, and fill out the peer review sheet for each essay.

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Essay Peer Review
Your Name: ________________________________ Writer’s Name: _Cheating as a Source of Motivation__
1 How does the title of the essay affect you as a reader?
By reading the title alone, I can begin to understand the point the writer is trying to put across. There is no good in cheating, but people do it because it allows them to get through life.
2 Locate the thesis paragraph(s). How can the thesis paragraph (usually NOT the first paragraph) be stronger and clearer? Is the writer convincing there? What would you suggest be added to make it clearer and more emphatic?
There is no thesis paragraph. The writer goes directly into addressing the issue of cheating. It would have helped if he provided a thesis paragraph to show his position on the issue of cheating.
3 Can you locate a paragraph of opposing argument? Does the opposing argument offer examples? How can the writer more successfully use an alternative viewpoint to clarify his or her Slant or thesis?
There is no opposing argument in the paper. An opposing argument helps to emphasize the writer’s point of view. In this case, the writer should have explained why people cheat and then counter this argument.
4 How effective is the opening paragraph in engaging and interesting you as a reader, and how can it be improved?
The opening paragraph is not engaging enough to me. A good opening paragraph needs to provide background. Using background, the writer can build up to their thesis statement.
1 Which body paragraphs need improvement? What are they lacking? Are they lacking support? Explanation from the writer? Examples? Be specific.
All the body paragraphs are well written. The writer is good at providing support through examples and quotes. This makes his essay creditworthy.
2 How can the writer be more effective? Are there stylistic ways the writer can make the essay more enjoyable to read?
One of the ways the writer could be more effective is by having a good introductory paragraph. The writer needs to woo the reader into understanding his position. Then using examples and quotes, as the writer has done, he can support his thesis.
3 How can the conclusion provoke ideas beyond the thesis? Does the conclusion give you a sense of some larger implications of the essay, and add something new to your understanding?
The writer does not provide a conclusion. There are no implications made from the paper. Again, the writer weakens his paper by not re-emphasizing his thesis. Having a conclusion helps the reader understand what step to take in light of the information provided in the paper. However, the writer does not help the reader understand if cheating is good or bad. Instead, he leaves the paper hanging.
4 Your overall ...
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