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The task is to write an outline for the speech. Literature Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Outline: Before the speech presentations begin, you will turn in an outline for your

presentation. An outline will both help you prepare and allow me to have a roadmap in

my mind of what you are doing so that I can better assess your presentation. Please take

this assignment seriously, because I will be grading it in detail. You must complete this

document in full sentences.

Using the proposal and annotated bibliography to write an outline for the speech

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
* The point of this essay will be to show the change of focus by the universities which are currently admitting students based on their talents rather than based on academic merit.
* The speech will start with the story of a young boy whose dream was to attend one of the elite universities in the countries. However, in spite of the boy’s hard work, this dream was quashed when the boy’s place in his university of choice was given to a footballer.
* The main point of my essay will be to show that universities today are a reflection of the society, that is, in the same way, that societies appear to show concern and emphasize on things that are limited with time. For example, a footballer cannot play to their old age. However, an academician can write books and share knowledge to generations beyond his time. The thesis statement will thus seek to show how society has changed from its previous stance where it sought to strike a balance between facets and aspects of life.
First point
* Society’s role in killing dreams. Here I will be explaining how society today plays a big role in killing people’s dreams and visions. As the society continues to embrace the idea of colleges and universities giving priority to sports, it is playing a crucial role in killing that young boy’s dream and vision of becoming a professor or a philosopher. This point will seek to argue from that standpoint.
* Society’s role in killing drive, ambition, and aggression in some students. When a student works hard and dedicates a good amount of their time to studying only to be denied a chance to join their university of choice, their drive, ambition, and aggression are killed. As the society continues to embrace athletes while neglecting those who stay up late reading, it sends a message to these students. And eventually kills their drive and ambition in life. This point will seek to address the topic from this standpoint.
* Emphasis on things that will not last. Well, this point will try to show how today, society appears infatuated by things that happen not to ...
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