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Offline “Stretch” Activity

Essay Instructions:


This week, our online course is going to turn off the computer and take a break from technology.

Part of getting a college education involves challenging preconceived notions about the world and expanding perspectives. This week's "Stretch" activity intends to take each student out of their comfort zone and take a new look at their relationship with technology.

For this activity, each student in this course must consider how much they rely on technology such as their cell phone/computer for connection, distraction, entertainment, and utility.


Spend some time contemplating how you use technology:

Are you addicited to your cell phone? In what ways do you use your phone? What are your most commonly-used apps? Do you ever allow yourself to be bored? Do you check your phone without thinking? Do you lose hours into staring at a screen? Do you always have the television on? Are you always sitting at your computer? Can you sit in silence without music or other distractions? What did you do for fun when you were younger?

Then, challenge yourself to take a "screen fast" or a purposeful break from your phone and other technology.

Decide how long you want your "screen fast" to be. I recommend a break from technology for at least 5-6 hours, although I recognize that many of you are not able to do so because of work and family responsibilties.

Think about the activities you would like to do that don't require technology. Mine include: going for a walk along water (like the Bay or the ocean), reading a physical book, talking to my partner on the couch, cooking a recipe out of one of my cookbooks, meditating. Planning some fun offline activities will help you make the most of this activity.

Tell your friends and family ahead of time that you are putting your phone away and will not be available.

THE BIG STEP: Turn your phone off, or put it on airplane mode. Put your phone in drawer or somewhere hidden for the duration of your screen fast. Shut down your computer. Turn off your TV. Turn off all stereos or music playing devices.

Record your thoughts during the event on paper, including how this experience changed your perception of your relationship to technology.

After your screen fast is over, write a reflection of your experience on this discussion board. Your entry should be at least 250 to 300 words. Feel free to write from a first-person perspective e.g. "I felt..." or "I saw..."

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Offline “Stretch” Activity
I must admit that technology has changed maybe life to the point whereby I almost can't make it without my phone and computer. During the six-hours fast, I got bored a lot because everything that I did seemed to be odd and unpleasing. I have realized that I am always busy on my phone doing things that are not very helpful. For example, I spent a lot of time playing the temple run game. At times, I open the game without having to think of what I wanted to do on my phone. As well, I also chat a lot with friends. I rarely make calls unless I am attending to important family or class matters. Theref...
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