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Informative Essay on a Problem. Ocean plastic. Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Major Essay 3: Informative Essay on a Problem

(900-1200 words not counting References page)

You will write this essay to inform your readers about an important problem that interests you, whether it is a global issue, an issue in your country, or an issue that affects your field of study. The goal of Problem Essay is for you to analyze the problem from the point of view of “Why should anyone care?” Using the library databases and the Internet, you will develop research questions about the nature of the problem, its significance, and background of the problem. You will collect sources that will help you answer the questions. You may briefly introduce possible solutions, but they can be reserved for the final assignment, Problem and Solutions Essay, whose focus will be on solutions.

The topic should be worth writing about. It should be a problem that many people, countries, organizations or experts are currently trying to solve. You should choose your problem topic carefully. You may NOT change it when moving on to the final Problem/Solution argumentative paper.

Your Topic Proposal should have the following components to receive a full credit.

Description of the problem (25%)

The essay gives a clear definition of the problem.

The essay delineates the details of the problem.

Importance of the problem (25%)

The essay argues why this problem is important.

The essay describes how important it needs to be solved.

Organization (20%)

Shows a sophisticated sense of paragraph and essay organization and links paragraphs smoothly with effective transitions.

Have clear topic sentences in the beginning of each paragraph

Grammar & Mechanics (15%)

All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The essay contains no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

MLA Style (15%)

All sources are cited in MLA style, including in-text citation and works cited page.

All sources used in the essay are academic and pertinent to the essay.

so when you decide your topic(as soon as possible), email me , I need to tell my professor

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Ocean plastic
The oceans are the largest natural resource on the planet, and it is the habitat for millions of marine species and terrestrial. We, humans also depend on the oceans for food, transport, etc. However, unsustainable human activities on land and in the oceans have destroyed this natural habitat. One of the main ocean pollutants is plastic which over the years has been dumped into oceans in billions of tons. The reason why humans have developed a voracious appetite and overconsumption of plastics is because of its properties. It is a lightweight, durable, moisture resistant, strong, inexpensive and versatile material which seems to be the best choice for most utility options especially packagingCITATION Gue18 \l 1033 (Guern). Plastics in oceans have destroyed the ecological balance of marine life and has sparked an irregular mass migration and extinction of some species. Some of the species have been going extinct often before they are discovered. When ocean plastic is compounded with other enemies of marine life such as oil spillage, poor farming methods among others has cumulatively been causing ocean desertification. Ocean desertification has also become prevalent in many areas of the ocean depending on the intensity of the human activities around that place. Ocean desertification has led to reduced oceanic biomass and the ecological balance of marine life has become unstable.
Why it is an ecological issue
One of the main pollutants of the oceans is plastic. There are natural waste collection points in the oceans, which are naturally collected because of the nature of ocean currents flowing in these areas which are known as gyres. Over the years, these gyres as they are commonly known to have collected millions of tons of plastics. They have become natural disposal centers of the oceans and have become filthy thus affecting marine life adversely. One of the greatest collection points is known as the great Pacific patch which is an area thousands of kilometers in between Europe, Africa, and America where millions of tons of plastics have collected. It is not the only gyre; there is another one between Australia, Asia and eastern Africa (Indian ocean gyre). Other gyres are South Atlantic gyre, south Pacific gyre, North Atlantic gyre and they are all filled with millions of tons of plastics.
These plastics tangle marine life and often killing them. Some are ingested, and they have been found in the bellies of many terrestrial and marine animals. Additionally, ocean plastic coupled with other unsustainable human activities such as oil spillage has led to reduced sunlight penetration on the ocean floor, oxygen levels have plummeted thus fewer planktons grow on the ocean floor, and the entire food chain in the oceans is adversely affected. We, humans, are also part of this food chain; it is becoming increasingly harder to get food from the oceans in the recent past. There is also indirect ecological impact in other areas. For example, if the terrestrial animals, especially the birds which feed on marine life are unable to get enough food to sustain their numbers, they will affect the ecological balance because of their dual ecological niche position in marine and on land. Microplastics, especially on the continental shelves, are inhibiting the growth of corals, and it may not take long before coral reefs recede. Coral reefs are important breeding sites for many other species, and humans depend on them for the manufacture of concrete. Thus, other than directly affecting the animals which ingest them, plastic will continue to affect and distort the ecological balance of the oceans which will indirectly affect terrestrial life. In a study by National, Marine Mammal Laboratory concluded that plastic entanglement was killing up to 40,000 seals a year ,which accounted for a 4-6% drop in the seal population CITATION Ama18 \l 1033 (Amaral).
The issue of plastic trash in our oceans is becoming unsustainable, and the volumes pumped into the oceans are still increasing. If in 2010 alone about 4 to 12 million metric tons were washed ashore CITATION Ang15 \l 1033 (Chen), it raises conce...
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