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Response To Henri Lefebvre’s The Production Of Space

Essay Instructions:

Read pp.1-36

Write a response (reaction paper) refer to the readings in a critical, interlocutory manner. Please include your questions, responses and criticism to the article. You need to demonstrate your understanding of the paper in two ways: 1. A concise summary of the key/trenchant ideas of the paper. 2. Your thinking/critique of the essential ideas of the paper.

I will upload a high-grade example. You dont need to come up with a correspond example like you did in last paper (FDR). It's very simple, a decent summary of the reading and your thoughts and questions to the reading.

Note: I forgot to upload the readings for order #00081014, use the same example paper as the format and this is a new order and its due in 9 hours.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
English Literature
Response to Henri Lefebvre’s “The Production of Space”
Whilst there is an increasing need for a greater understanding of spatial needs, none has come close to it than The production of Space by Henri Lefebvre. The book clearly helps explain a greater deal of the meaning of space and how it is created, especially in a capitalist society. Through the first thirty six pages of the work, Henri slowly but explicitly develops the notion of capitalist space, in the process also managing to incorporate some of the basic contradictions as well as its complexities. He strives to explain the achievement of truth of space, through the creation of its mental, psychological as well as emotional aspects.
Lefebvre first notes that ‘social space is a social product’ (p.26). This is to mean that there are certain institutions within the society, which work to create or produce spa...
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