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Character Development of Friday in Robert Heinlein's Friday: An Interpretive Analysis

Essay Instructions:
I need to develop an interpretive claim about the novel, Friday by Robert A. Heinlein. I need to examine some specific aspect of the novel and demonstrate through reference to text how readers can better understand the impacts, effects, or meanings of the novel. I would like to write about the character development of “Friday” the main character and her development throughout the novel. The essay should contribute to a deeper understanding, should demonstrate a complex view by citing text and explaining its significance. To focus this analysis, I can examine: -formal elements such as: symbols, imagery, plot structure, character development, and so on. -themes as viewed through critical lenses: Marxist, psychoanalytic, feminist, historical/biographical, or reader response. Use at least two outside sources to support or connect with the discussion. This source may be specifically about the text, about the theme(s) you examine, or about the author generally. Sources must be drawn from the field of literature, and written by experts. Sources must be scholarly: web-pages, study guides, “spark notes,” etc. are not acceptable.
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13 July 2013
Character Development of Friday in Robert Heinlein’s Friday: An Interpretive Analysis
Artificial persons might seem to act and appear like us in virtually all aspects, but it is hard for them to be as real human beings. They will always have problems adjusting to normal human social interactions, face resentments, and if they are successful, find belonging in the wrong engagements like sex and in wrong social set ups.In Robert Heinlein’s novel, Friday set in a Balkanized world and which is about an artificially created female secret agent who finds herself in dangerous intrigues in the cause of her duty until she quits to pursue where she belongs before ending up in a curious situation of getting married to the same person who had earlier raped her, the author uses a number of formal elements like symbols and plot structure to develop the main character and also to bring out a number of themes such as feminism, clash between science and religion, moral decadence and global re-ordering of nation states.
As the story opens, Friday Baldwin is on one of her secret service duties in a far off land, Kenya. She is being stalked by a person who follows her right into the “Customs, Health and Immigration” (Heinlein1), but she ends up killing him at the prompt of her subconscious. It is clear she is not quite comfortable in her role and travel mode as suggested by her own assertion, “I have never liked riding the Beanstalk. My distaste was full blown even before the disaster to the Quito Skyhook” (Heinlein 1).This points to dangers in her preoccupation as a secret service agent who trotters the globe and even beyond. The dangers and risks of death are in fact manifest where upon reaching her employer’s base from duty, Friday gets abducted and she suffers terrible rape ordeal and torture. Her “inhumanness” and lack of human feelings can be seen where she is raped by her captors and she manages to withstand violation from the four of them, until they abandon the act upon realizing they are not breaking her will. In fact, they rightly guess she is enjoying it. One of them shoots: “Mac, we’re wasting our time. This slut enjoys it” (Heinlein 7).Through this episode, the author raises the theme of feminism and women exploitation. In society, those women who get raped are accused of really ‘enjoying’ hence its not taken seriously. The failure to be vanquished by the mass rape depicts Friday as a stoic character. She talks about the gory episode in a manner devoid of human feelings prompting one to see like she is enjoying it as claimed by the rapists: “I worked on all of them-method acting, of course-reluctant, have to be forced, then gradually your passion overcomes you”(Heinlein 7).
It is true that despite the fact that she at first appears a bit strange and unlike a female owing to her daring escapades in the course of duty, she is however a person trying to become more human in her character. When Boss tells her that she should kill with planned intent like a real hatchet man, she takes strong exception to that view: “Murder…I don’t think it is my sort of work”(Heinlein 19).This shows her other character trait-being compassionate and humane. Her ...
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