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Drama analysis: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Essay Instructions:
Hi writer, this is an important assignment for me. i paid to choose only you do to my work.Because the last order that you did which was casting calling project was really great.it was great because you follow all instruction.So now i want you again to do the same thing for this assignment.But please read all my professor instruction and checklist requirement.Because this essay will be grade on how you follow all instruction require.This essay is long,and many many instruction so please read all instruction carefully before you started the essay.After this, be carefully with the number of sources,because i don't know what she exactly need for number of sources.so you have to read all the essay instruction and checklist.i will just put 4 for number of sources.But if you need more you can do it.but read all the essay checklist before you start.And after being done with the essay please check if all the requirement is fulfill. so i will uploaded the essay instruction and checklist requirement.Please follow the instruction step by step,this essay is very important.Thanks
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A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Even though, A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy and not a romantic play, with love as the main theme. In the end, there is a happy conclusion as the lovers marry each other however, Shakespeare does not depict the journey of love as smooth sailing, but lovers go through many challenges. Love seems to cause jealousy among the lovers and friends, women fight over men and men fight against themselves all in the name of love. Among all the characters, none can control their emotions on love and the spell compounds their love and feelings. Even without, the magic, the lovers seek to find love even when it seems that it is an illusion. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare depicts true love as an illusion, with the journey of love fraught with many challenges
Following a magic spell, Titania falls in love with Bottom a working class Mechanical whose head is turned into that of an ass. The flower juice makes Titania’s eyes to be blinded by her thoughts and she instantly thinks that Bottom is attractive following a magic spell gone wrong. Titania tells Bottom “Come, sit thee down upon this flowery bed,” (4.1.41). Thus, love is blind as Titania falls in love with a donkey like being, and someone who she could not ordinarily fall in love with a commoner like Bottom. “What, wilt thou hear some music, my sweet love?”(4.1.42) Titania is the Queen of the Fairies, and it is expected that she would not fall in love with Oberon, the King of the Fairies. Titania overlooks Bottom’s appearance because of the nectar in her eyes, but this in not really love it is the work of magic. Bottom states “I am such a tender ass, if my hair do but tickle me, I must scratch,” (4.1.42)
Even though, marriage is the epitome of love as represented in the end of the play, love does not necessarily make the lovers happy. It is because of love, that characters have conflicts among themselves. Hermia promises to love Lysander unconditionally, but she seems to have in fallen in love with Demetrius later on “My good Lysander! I swear to thee, by Cupid’s strongest bow,” ( 1.1.8). Equally, Lysander promised to love Hernia, but he also has feelings for Helena. After falling in love with Helena, Lysander becomes verbally abusive to Hernia, and goes against his promise to protect her and maker her life pleasant. Lysander states, “Thy love! out, tawny Tartar, out!” (3.2. 35). Hernia is amazed at how things quickly turnaround, and she sees love as cruel and hurtful. Hermia is doubtful about Lysander’s love for her, “What love could press Lysander from my side? (3.2.33)
Shakespeare alludes to the notion that love is selfish and cruel in the relationship between Oberon and Titania. The couple is in a tussle over an Indian boy, whom Titania has brought up, but is being claimed by Oberon. Oberon states “I’ll to my queen and beg her Indian boy;
And then I will her charmed eye release,” (3.2.38). The couple is actually not in true love, as Oberon tries to impose his will on Titania, with a conflict arising out of this. Oberon cherishes his title and subsequent authority that comes with it, and hence thinks that his ways and thoughts in the relationship should outshine those of Titania .Oberon says, “Why should Titania cross her Oberon?” (2.1.15) to show that Titania ought to obey him. However, is not comfortable playing second fiddle in the relationship and so Oberon, seeks the services of Puck to have control over Titania.Oberon shows his autocracy by stating that, “Tarry, rash wanton: am not I thy lord?” (2.1. 14).
In the play, Shakespeare has no sentimental feelings for relationships simply based on social class and prestige rather than true love. In the beginning a marriage fails to go through, which sets the tone for Shakespeare’s notion on love and marriage among the high and mighty. Among all the lovers who are in perpetual conflict, love is simply something that they seek to fulfill their selfish intentions. For the royalty, love and marriage are simply continuation of their dynastic lineage, and people seem to fall in love for commercial purposes on what they can gain from such a union. Since the supposed lovers also seek to ga...
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