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The Need for International Corporate Governance for FIFA

Essay Instructions:

After reading the Beans’ article “FIFA’s World Cup of Corruption: The desperate need for international corporate governance", please complete the following questions:

1. Looking back at the Bean’s article, what is your perspective on the indictments?
2. Please explain your perspective on if FIFA officials can be subjected to United States criminal law?
3. What is your perspective on the selection process for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup venues?
4. Think critically about what the article means for you and your ongoing progression as a global citizen and sports professional?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

FIFA Journal
FIFA Journal
FIFA officials and close stakeholders associated with the organization misused massive amounts of funds for the organization. Based on my perspective, there was a clear plan from the officials to enrich themselves through fraudulent deals. The officials were residing within the United States while committing these crimes. Therefore, the indictments reveal severe crimes under the United States law perpetrated by the FIFA officials and close business associates. Names of other conspirators involved in the issue were never mentioned in the case. This shows the hierarchy of corruption among different parties associated with FIFA. Some of the main issues raised included the payment of bribes. Therefore, more than 41 officials were indicted on the issues raised. This shows the severity of the cases presented and how proactive measures were needed to address the criminal issues (Bean, 2015). According to my perspective, the indictments affirmed the high level of corruption within the organization and why bold reforms were needed.
Based on the United States criminal law, the indicted officials and business partners would face different charges. The most eminent crimes revealed through Bean's article include money laundering, racketeering, and wire fraud. The crimes raised through the articles affected the United States in significant ways. One of the major organizations involved in the case was based in the United States during the entire period of the case. Moreover, the financial institutions used in undertaking illegal transactions are located within the United States. T...
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