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Literary Letter: Significance and Responsibilities of Travel Writers

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is your first foray into literary analysis, in the form of a “letter” composed from you to a classmate. In this letter, I ask you to describe your preliminary thoughts (after 4-5 weeks of class) about the responsibility of travel writers to those they write about. Focusing on one text we've read so far, discuss the ways in which this author succeeds or fails at fulfilling their responsibility, using specific examples (direct quotes) from the text. You should cite your source using parenthetical citations. You do not need to include a Works Cited page. You do not need to include additional sources beyond your primary text.

Here are some questions to fuel your brainstorming:

What, if anything, does a travel writer owe the residents of a place he/she/they write about?

What is most essential in travel writing: accuracy? honesty? positivity? an avoidance of pre-existing stereotypes? telling a good story?

Which travel writers, so far, have impressed you--and why?

Which travel writers, so far, have NOT impressed you--and why?

If a travel writer visited your hometown and wrote a book about it, what elements of such a book would you respect? Which elements might upset you?

**If you choose to write about A Small Place, you can tweak this prompt however is most interesting to you. You might discuss what responsibility Kincaid bears in representing her own island of origin, or what she owes (or doesn't owe) the foreigners she writes about.

Key components of this letter:

-a greeting (Dear Classmate)

-an introduction with a thesis statement: a 2-3 sentence explanation of what responsibility you believe travel writers bear toward those they write about, and the ways in which the author you've chosen meets or fails to meet that criteria

-approximately 3 paragraphs detailing your argument, using direct quotes and references to the text to prove your point. Remember to use parenthetical citations!

-a final paragraph summing up your argument

-a closing (sign-off, your name)

Your Literary Letter should be approximately 750-1000 words long, double-spaced, with indented paragraphs. 750 words is ok

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Literary Letter
Dear classmate,
I hope you are doing fine. I thought it wise to share my course experience about travel writers with you. Travel writers are adventurers who experience travelling to different places and writing about their trips. Marry Louise Pratt is one of the many travel writers globally. She authored "Imperial eyes: travel writing and transculturation". The book presents an investigation of how travel writing has constructed an image of the world beyond Europe for European readerships. The book centralizes on writing about South America and Africa concerning the economic and political expansion of Europe. It also presents various Latin American texts through the concept of neocolonialism. I found chapter 9, "From the Victoria Nyanza to the Sheraton San Salvador," more interesting. It details the experience of travelling from a third-world country in Africa to the United States. Therefore, like other travel writers, Pratt owes the residence of a place they write about the truth, fairness, and accurate information about their region. Pratt demonstrates honesty and fairness in her story creating a balanced reporting to the residents and the readers.
Travel writers owe truth, fairness, and accurate information to the residence of the place they write about. They are often self-employed, giving them the freedom to write about various aspects of the travel sector. Needless to say, other stakeholders exist despite the freedom the travel writers have. The residents and readers are the primary stakeholders who deserve truthful and balanced information from the travel writers. Everybody treasures their home and will always protect it at all costs. Travel writers visit places different from their home regions and often have predetermined expectations about the places they visit. These expectations play a significant role in the course of the story the travel writer writes about a place they visited. However, the residents deserve fair and just reporting, which is not influenced by the travel writer's prior expectations. This introduces the virtues of truth, honesty, fairness, and the dissemination of accurate information, which Pratt shows in her book. Being truthful means the travel writers are honest and share their experience rather than what they did not get yet was in their "expected" list. Pratt tells a balanced story in chapter 9 based on gender, the experience of various races and classes. This amounts to honesty, fairness, and sharing accurate information.
Pratt, in her book, adheres to most of the requirements a travel writer should have to the residence of a place and the readers. First, she uses past tense to write, which is a requiremen...
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