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Neat People vs. Sloppy People by Suzanne Britt

Essay Instructions:

Option 1: "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" by Suzanne Britt (244-246):

Write an essay in which you describe yourself as either sloppy or neat. In what ways does your behavior compare or contrast with the traits Britt offers? You may follow Britt’s definition of sloppy and neat, or you may come up with your own.

Option 2: "The Truth About Lying" by Judith Viorst (283-288):

Viorst wrote this essay for Redbook, which is usually considered a women’s magazine. If you were writing this essay for a male audience, would you change the examples? If so, how would you change them? If not, why not? Do you think men are more likely to tell lies of a certain category? Explain. Write an essay in which you discuss whether men and women share similar perspectives about lying.

If you need the short story, I can take a picture of it. please let me know

Essay 3 Requirements:

Essay 3 includes a minimum of 1100 words and three (3) sources, with a minimum of two (2) direct quotations from story and four (4) paraphrases. These quotations and paraphrases may be from one assigned reading and two LCCC database sources or three LCCC database sources. (If you need articles, I can send you some from my school data base just let me know what you need it on because whatever you find has to be in my school database. if you use your try to make sure it's .org which is more realiable)

Essay 3 uses MLA format, including a header, heading, title, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page.

Essay 3 contains the standard parts of an essay: an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement at the end, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

Professor also makes me use these outlines I'll attach. She goes by that to make sure we have all of the information in the essay according to that. So, try to stick to most of what she wants from the outlines. The introduction has to have the author introduce and a brief description of the story. Thesis has to be last sentence of intro. Please don't forget to put the direct quotations in the essay and the other things. Thank you so much and any questions reach out to me.

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Sloppy vs Neat people
People express different personality traits such as being neat and sloppy, which highly determine how they act in various life engagements. Suzanne Brit's "Neat People vs. Sloppy people" distinguishes the personality traits between these two kinds of individuals. According to Suzanne’s story, neat people tend to be mean and lazy, while sloppy ones have a heavenly vision. Based on this definition, an individual might wonder whether they are sloppy or neat person. The paper will focus on showing that neat people have no issues parting with things, are always neat, like results more than process, and prioritize neatness.
One of the common characteristics of neat people is their ability to part with the things they love or own. The idea is presented in the story through a quote. “Sloppy people can't bear to part with anything. They give loving attention to every detail" (Britt 245). According to this quote, a sloppy person has a lot of attachments to tehri belongings, making it challenging to part with them. The opposing trait is that neat people face no challenges parting with things. They do not give much attention to what they own and, therefore, can easily lose it without getting attached. This scenario proves that I am a neat person because, on various occasions, I have parted with things I thought I loved. If I had challenges letting those items go, it could mean that I am sloppy. Sloppy people attach a lot of emotions to the things they own, thus making it a challenge to let go. I rarely get such attachments or give much attention to details. These characteristics help me let go and focus on new objectives or things in life. Sloppy and neat individuals have different perspectives about creating attachments, hence making it easy to determine whether or not they would let things go.
Neatness is one of the most important traits that define an individual as being neat. The concept is evidenced in the story because the author shows how organized such people are. "They save everything, planning someday to file, order, and straighten out the world" (Britt 246) This quote describes the personality traits of sloppy people regarding neatness. These individuals believe they should plan to arrange things or organize their life. During the planning process, things are likely to get messy, and people end up not being neat in the sloppy. The opposite of this personality trait best describes neat people. These individuals love to keep everything organized and in place at all times. They will focus on the minor details that need organizing and will rarely pile up work. In turn, this prevents them from having too many things to organize, which could look out of place. Neat people know how to organize their life without burdening themselves with excess activities that could challenge their ability to become neat. I am a neat person because I tend to avoid too much responsibility. I believe that excess responsibilities undermine my ability to be organized in every aspect of life. Hence, I prefer fewer complex activities because they allow me enough time and knowledge to plan, thus making me neat. Therefore, an individual's organizational skills play an important role in determining whether they are neat or sloppy. Neat people are more organized than sloppy individuals.
Neat people focus a lot on results and do not care about the process used in their ac...
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