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Jumping to Chef Adam Jones Team in the Film Burnt

Essay Instructions:

this week's film is Burnt (2015). It can be rented for $3.80 through Amazon Prime.

 Part 1 half a page

●      In your initial post, briefly describe a scene which you found most interesting, surprising, or disturbing and provide a brief (one to two sentence) explanation. Then select one of the discussion questions to begin a closer examination of the texts in your initial post

●     If you had the opportunity to join the team of chefs Adam Jones leads, would you jump at the opportunity of would you pass? Provide specific reasons for your decision.

●     When we consider the chef as an artist, what connections can you make to Babette's Feast? What does each writer/film maker capture that helps us to understand the difference between a master chef and a chef who is an artist?

●     The culinary industry is not the only industry in which people burn out, turn to alcohol or other substances to deal with stress, or in which heated tempers can lead to violent outbursts. How well does Burnt address these challenges professionals in high stress situations experience? The poem "Consider the Oyster" describes the life cycle of an oyster. What connections can you make between the poem and this week's feature film?

●      Remember to keep the initial and all follow up contributions focused and concise in a paragraph of two to invite dialogue that allows us to develop a thoughtful analysis that considers multiple perspectives and responses. Provide brief references or direct quotation to a particular scene that is central to your contribution.
 By the end of the week, you should have engaged in conversations about each of the discussion starter questions texts to contribute to the analysis and interpretation of the weekly content.

Part 2 is half a page (one paragraph each response
In follow up posts throughout the remainder of the week, respond to your colleagues and explore as many of the remaining discussion starter questions as possible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Food in Film
Part 1
If I could join Adam Jones’ team, I would jump at the opportunity in a heartbeat. There are different obstacles in all types of jobs, and even if my boss is like Adam or someone very unlike Adam, there are trials that I will face, so for me, I might as well jump in at the opportunity to learn from someone so accomplished. Adam chose his team very meticulously, like how he chooses what to cook, how to cook them, and how to present his food, and I guess this is why he is a two-star Michelin chef. I found it very interesting that he said “consistency is death” in terms of cooking and that “consistency in experience” is what a chef should look for or follow (Burnt), and this is why I was taken to him during the Burger King Scene. I believe that this is true, because consistency (in the context of the consistency in fast foods) is the root of monotony, and I don’t think humans are built for this. We are meant to create, and being in Adam Jones’ team, despite possible stresses, will cultivate this on anyone.
Part 2
Response to Niara Stephenson
Mental health is something that affects different aspects of everyone’s lives. In Burnt, Adam struggled with drug issues in the past, and even though he is trying to make it right and go back to his career and progress by trying to earn a third Michelin star, he was doubted by some people. It was quite refreshing that some people did give him a second chance and that his team helped and encouraged him because they believed in his talents.
Response to Briana McAlister
As people, we need to sustain ourselves and one way to do this is to get a paying job. Events like the GM closure impacted many liv...
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