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Nearby Farmers Market: Inspiration To Have Own Farm

Essay Instructions:

Write a profile in riverside CA, must do some research. And answer following questions:

TOPIC: Briefly (1-2 sentences) describe the topic of your profile: the person, place, or event you will write about. Remember, the subject and your perspective may not be obvious yet.

SCHEDULE: Your profile interview is due Friday, 4/27, and your essay rough draft is due Monday, 4/30. In the space below, list when you will complete the interview/field work and how you will get there. (You may need to contact someone to confirm they will be available to meet with you.)

MATERIALS: List or describe the materials you will use for your field work (e.g., pen, paper, recorder, camera).

The topic of your profile is what or whom you choose to write about (a person, a group of people, a place, or an activity), but the subject and your perspective on the subject may be something you discover only after researching, visiting, participating, or interviewing. I will include a couple generic examples below to stimulate your creative juices. By no means are you limited to events listed on the links I provided in the prompt.


A local restaurant: while researching, interviewing, visiting, etc., you may find that there is something special about the restaurant, its employees, its owner, its history, its patrons, or something else entirely. The thing you find special could become the subject for the profile.

A nearby farmers market: again, you may find while visiting that there is something in common between many vendors or visitors, or maybe you notice nobody shows up or it's entirely packed. Speak with some vendors to find out a bit about them, who they are, how long they've been attending the market, how long they've been in the industry.

An art or history museum: do some background research, see who visits, ask who visits, see who works there and why.

There is no predicting what each those topics may reveal to you, but doing a little research before visiting will give you an idea of what they are about. The guide to writing has a “Ways In” section for your developing perspective on a subject. Don't forget about the guide to writing!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
(Student’s name) (Professor’s name) Literature and Language 19 April 2018 A Nearby Farmers Market I went to a nearby farmers market to talk to one of the vendors selling fruits and I took my pen and notepad with me. The operation here is 24 hours and there is a possibility that I will see more stocks earlier in the day than the night time so I made 2 visits to the market. In the afternoon, I passed by Mr. Sandy’s fruit stand to check out what he has for that day. I asked him if I can buy some of the cantaloupes, but he told me that he did not want to sell them to me because they are not the best, but I still insisted. He eventually agreed and I got 4 medium-sized cantaloupes. He told me exactly what to do with them so they will still be good even after 3 days since they come from an imperfect bunch. I appreciate his honesty because he was not just trying to make money by selling me bad ones, but he actually did not want to offer them to me. He told me that his boss lives nearby, but he was assigned to look after the stand because of his knowledge about fruits. Mr. Sandy is 38 years old and lives with his wife and kids in nearby village. He has been helping in the fruit business for 10 years and has already started his own farm. It is an excellent idea to start his own farm and after getting experience because at least his selling skills are already honed and his boss can give him more tips on where to buy good soil and seeds. Although, he said that he will grow tomatoes, bell pepper, chili, and lemons in his farm so it will be different from what he is selling now. I asked him what inspired him to have his own farm and he said that because of the pesticides that other farms spray on fruits and vegetables, he wants to grow his own food. This way he will know what is in the food he is eating and he can afford to buy organic meat from outside. I learned from him that growing your own food is a lot cheaper than buying them from markets or groceries, but you need to devote time and patience before you can eat them. In his fruit stand, I also saw watermelons and bought 2 big ones. This time, he did not stop me from purchasing them because he knows they are from a nice harvest. I told him that appreciate his honesty and will not blame him if in case the cantaloupes are not the best. He said that when I come back, I should tell him how they taste. Mr. Sandy is a very nice vendor who treats his customers decently and sometimes it makes all the difference when a person is buying something. There was another vendor selling the same fruits, but I did not bother to stop because he was not smiling and looked grouchy. The vendor may not be aware that how he behaves and the impression people have towards him keeps them away. I can easily tell that he is either the owner of the fruit stand or someone who has been in the business longer than the rest but has become tired of the business. I stood in my spot for a while and observed him as he was talking to customers. Out of the 8 people who stopped by his stand to check the fruits, only 2 of them ended up buying 1 or 2 cantaloupes/watermelons. Aside from that, another person arrived in the stand and did not take...
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