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My Identity: Living in America, Having Mexican Origins

Essay Instructions:

Basically this essay is about how exhausted as for me being Mexican American. Trouble being Mexican American is keeping up with two identities without losing ourselves in one or another in other words we have to be quite perfect when I started school I spoke very broken English because my first language was Spanish my mother and father still have trouble pronouncing off words and speak with heavy accent. I feel proud of being able to call myself a son of two amazing hardworking immigrant parents. I feel like I'm juggling two different worlds

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Having dual identity is one of the most tedious as well as interesting aspects of my existence. Having Mexican origins but currently living in America, I can say that I have experienced the ups and downs of two totally contrasting worlds. I have also managed to learn how to juggle between the two identities quite efficiently, even though I must confess that it’s not an easy task. There is virtually everything at stake when it comes to the delicate balance between the two identities, as one might be under extreme temptation to cover one identity in favor of the other. I feel proud however, that I am not one.
The biggest challenge about being a foreigner in the United States is that one has to try as much as possible to fit in the American society. Having this knowledge is the easy part. The hardest part however, is conforming to this knowledge. The challenges are numerous.I remember having a heavy Spanish accent upon coming to the United States. Whenever I spoke, it could be very evident that I wasn’t an American. The first line of judgment I faced was from my accent. I therefore strived as much as I could, to perfect my English. My parents, to date, still have the challenge in speaking English since t...
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