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Research the Culture Difference between Nigeria and America

Essay Instructions:

My instructors requirement.
INTRODUCTION (at least 5-7 sentences)
Your introduction must have a thesis.
Body Paragraphs (at least 5-7 sentences)
Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that supports the thesis statement.
Transitional expressions are used effectively throughout the essay for flow, coherence, and cohesiveness (meanwhile, furthermore, therefore, finally, first, second, in conclusion, etc.)
All body paragraphs should have well-developed examples to prove your topic sentence and supports your thesis.
Use the block method or the point-by-point method to organize your paragraphs
You must quote from your [Galileo] source at least once in your essay using correct in text citation format. You may use direct quotes, but be sure to integrate the quote seamlessly through the use of signal phrases and quotation marks. If paraphrasing, please note that parenthetical citations are required.
Be sure to include a works cited page of the source used in the essay.
CONCLUSION (at least 5-7 sentences)
Your conclusion should restate the main idea of your essay in a creative manner.
Provide closure to the essay.
Grammar and Mechanics- No glaring grammar mistakes (fragments, agreement issues, verb tense shifts, run-ons, comma splices, wordiness, awkward sentence structures, no comma errors or punctuation errors, misspelled, no grammar and mechanics related errors)
Mature vocabulary, diction, and syntax are evident.
Sentence structure shows control and some variety
Audience and Tone- Academic papers require the use of formal language.
Avoid slang, informal/inappropriate usages, and biases.
Use the third person point of view (he, she, one, a person, etc.), not the first person point of view (I), or the second person point of view (you).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Culture Differences between Nigeria and America
National and ethnic identity differentiates Nigerian and Culture and overlaps with their religious beliefs. Nonetheless, ethnic identities are strong as political power and distribution of resources have influenced how the people view others, while people vote along ethnic lines. Culture is learned passed across generations while the people also embrace and integrate new ideas over time. Even though both countries have English as the official language, most Americans use English as their mother tongue. Hence, identity, families, concept of individualism and membership to social groups are considered when addressing cultural differences between Nigerians and Americas.
English is the official language of Nigeria having been a former colony of the British, but there are over 200 languages spoken in the country. English also unifies the people acting as a lingua franca, but mostly used by the educated class. Pidgin English a Creole language is also used by the average Nigeria especially in the urban centers. In the North, the dominant languages are the Hausa/ Fulani while in the South West it is Yoruba and Igbo in the Southeast (Heaton & Hirschl 36). The three communities have dominated the political and economic landscape of the Nigeria since independence because of their sheer size compared to other ethnic groups.
English is the language of communication in both writing and reading among Americans, and even immigrants are expected to learn and use the language. Even though there are differences in accents especially between the southern and northern regions of the U.S. there are no major variations as they are mutually intelligible. Even communities and social groups who do not identify as Anglo-Saxon use American English. Culture in the U.S is not monolithic while recent first and second generation immigrants may speak in another language. This is especially in the South and California where Spanish-speaking Latinos may be bilingual in both languages. Additionally, African American Vernacular English among the African American community is spoken unofficially and differs from Standard American English.
Nigerian culture is collectivist where there is interdependence among members of the society especially those who are closely related. There is commitment to family members and extended relationships, where loyalty plays a big role in how people interact in everyday situations. Typically, the parenting styles of collectivist societies emphasize social interdependence, respect, and obedience (Barnhart, et al., 685). Fostering relationships among group members and this is manifested in the workplace where people are likely to take responsibility for a situation. The decisions made in the business context are made to benefit the groups. Also related to this is the view that the accomplishments of an individual are celebrated by a group especially the family members who see this as an honor to the family or community.
Unlike Nigeria, America values individualism, and this has influence colure including politics and the social structure of American families. The ideal of self-reliance has often been emphasized in the individualistic culture when a person’s success is seen as testament to self-fulfillment, hard work and independence. Parenting styles in the western societies including the U.S. also emphasize self–expression, competitiveness, autonomous socialization and independence (Barnhart et al., 685). Independence is highlight valued from childhood and even the notion of the American Dream, epitomizes ...
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