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Should The Muslims Be Freely Allowed Into The United States?

Essay Instructions:

Purpose & Description

Academic writers compose annotated bibliographies for many reasons. For this assignment in particular, your aim will be to read, summarize, and briefly evaluate the academic sources you will use to position yourself within a scholarly conversation and develop your final research paper for the course. What follows are some guidelines for completing this assignment.

Part I: Creating a Research Space

Compose a paragraph that offers some context for the annotations you include. Specifically, it should help me as a reader understand 1) the problem and question that are guiding your research; and 2) how you are working to position your study within a scholarly conversation.

Part II: Composing Annotations

Annotated bibliographies typically consist of two parts: 1) citations that you expect to include in your final document; and 2) a concise paragraph (150 words) that accurately summarizes and makes a move to evaluate each source you have cited. For this assignment, you are required to compose 10 annotations that will add to the scholarly conversation you are looking to join based on your research.

Specific Requirements

Your completed assignment should:

Include 10 single-spaced annotations;

Create a research space for the annotations;

Be written in a clear, precise, and engaging prose style;

Use 12 point Times New Roman typeface;

Use MLA citation style

Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).

The work you complete for your annotated bibliography will serve as a direct foundation for your final research project. In this way, it should help you further define your scholarly conversation and the specific contribution you would like to make to it by the conclusion of the semester. Please write or stop by my office (or both) if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Professor Course Date Assimilation Islam, according to various studies is the fastest growing religion in the United States. The Muslims who are either born in American or migrated from another part of the world have their population increasing. The growth of the Muslim population in the United States is alarming to some Americans who associate the Muslims with terrorism. Most of the Muslim terrorist groups have brutalized and conducted a lot of terror attacks in the United States alone, thus justifying the concerns of the rising Muslim population in America. Those that oppose the Muslim immigration argue that although not all the Muslims are terrorists, more Muslims should be constrained from migrating into the United States as that would convert the issue of Muslim terrorists from being an external threat to an internal threat which will be difficult to address. The assimilation of the Muslims into the United States has been a major issue among various groups in the American society. This paper aims at researching the issue and answer the following questions. Should the Muslims be freely allowed into the United States? Does the increase in Muslim population increase terrorist threat in United states? Smith, Jane I. "Islam in America." Muslims in the West after 9/11. Routledge, 2009. 38-52. Jane I. Smith’s book “Muslims in the West after 9/11 offers a detailed information on the Muslims position in the United States in view of the recent terrorist attacks that are linked with the 9/11 terror attack. She focuses on some of the major challenges that various religious groups face due to the overwhelming influence of the western culture. The book looks at the increasing awareness by the American citizens concerning the growth in the population of the Muslims. She also indicates that the Muslim community is growing heterogeneous in the American environment which is comprised of a vast variety of immigrants from another part of the world like Africa and the American-born people. This book concisely indicates that Muslim religion and culture will be highly affected and suppressed by the western culture in the 21st century. This is thus a good book to be used in the research of the issue of Muslim assimilation in the United States and the way the American environment favors or facilitates the Muslim immigration into America. Bloemraad, Irene, Anna Korteweg, and Gökçe Yurdakul. "Citizenship and immigration: Multiculturalism, assimilation, and challenges to the nation-state." Annual Review of Sociology 34 (2008). This book looks at the legal status of any American citizen encompassing the rights, participation, and belonging that every American should be accorded. The authors state that as compared to the traditional notion of citizenship that it should evoke all the issues like sovereignty, state of community control and national pride this has really changed in the recent past. They indicate changes that have taken place over the last one century have revolutionized how the citizenship is considered. They outline several challenges that hinder this relationship to happen anymore. Scope, extensiveness, motive, and diversity of the international migration are the major causes of the change. They also focus on citizenship that is in a nation by evaluating ethnicity against civic citizenship. Assimilation that happens after the migration and multiculturalism in a single geographic setting is also another issue discussed in the book while identifying pragmatic and theoretical challenges in those areas like in America. Morgan, George. Global Islamophobia: Muslims and moral panic in the West. Routledge, 2016. Morgan George’s book Global Islamophobia: Muslims and Moral Panic in the West is one of its kind book which focuses specifically on the various problems that affect Muslims in the west. He outlines how in the United States Muslims have continued to face various oppositions from the various forms of life. They have undergone a lot of criticism since September 11, 2001, when a Muslim terror group attacked the United States leaving a lot of fatalities and damages. The book also focuses on the Al Qaeda terrorist group and its various activities. The writer notes that the Al Qaeda terror group only opens the opportunity to join the group with only one requirement – being a Muslim. Marginalization of the Muslims in the United States is another area of focus of the book where the writer focuses on the expenditure of the governments on areas with high Muslim population as compared to the infrastructure and expenditure on the areas that are highly populated by other religions like Christianity.\ Thomas, Jasmine. "Only if she shows her face: Canadian media portrayals of the niqab ban during citizenship Ceremonies." Canadian Ethnic Studies 47.2 (2015): 187-201. This article Thomas sought to establish how Muslim women are treated by the Canadian government in relation to women in Canada. The research focuses with emphasis the banning of full-face veils during their Canada oath of citizenship swearing. The author critically analyses the major perspectives of the issue of Muslims that is found in the daily papers of Canada. Thomas also examines the effects of major governments decisions that to her are aimed at marginalizing the Muslims. Several laws that were passed by the Canadian government also are aimed at intimidating Muslims and discourage them from applying to obtain the Canadian citizenship. One such example is the “only if she exposes her face” law that according to the author was aimed at discouraging and making Muslim women reluctant of applying for the Canadian citizenship. The author adds that the cultural norms that incorporated in by the Canadian government are designed to keep off some cultural practices from the mainstream norm of the Muslim culture. Gasim, Gamal, Jangsup Choi, and Dennis Patterson. "Explaining Muslim Americans’ Opinions on Salient Issues." Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 25.1 (2014): 13-26. This study was aimed at estab...
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