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Does Artificial Intelligence Benefits for Human?

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will create a 4-6 page annotated bibliography that includes three sources (1 background source, 1 source that offers a competing/alternate perspective, and 1 source that is in agreement). An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that gives a summary and evaluation of each of the entries, which provides readers with a better understanding of a text.

Your final paper requires that you use research to support your argument. Specifically, you need to be able to employ the information literacy skills you are developing to analyze arguments, compare persuasive techniques, and synthesize arguments in order to develop your own persuasive project. This assignment asks you to evaluate three different types of sources and present an analysis of how each source and discuss how it could be applied to your argument.

The introduction of this assignment should present the reasons behind using each type of source and explain how each of your selected texts fits a particular category. The body of the paper should present the evaluation/response to each text, and the conclusion should offer final remarks on the overall usefulness of each text.

Rhetorical Situation

Audience: a peer who is unfamiliar with your topic and the sources that you have selected

Genre: evaluation

Purpose: to assess potential sources

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Instructor Course Date Does Artificial Intelligence Benefits for Human? The discussion below covers the annotated bibliographies which discuss the aspects of how artificial intelligence benefits the humans. The discussion covers three articles; the first article is the background source. The background source helps in familiarizing with the topic by understanding the main concepts. The background source chosen is significant since it helps in understanding the broader context of the research and also in finding out the general terms which have been used. The second bibliography is the source offering an alternative perspective, the articles show a different perspective from what is discussed in this topic by giving a different alternative and that why it fits best as an alternative source. The third article is a source that is in agreement with the context of the discussed topic. The article provides an argument which supports what has been discussed about the topic being covered. BACKGROUND SOURCE McDermott, John. "Principles of artificial intelligence." Artificial Intelligence 15.1-2 (2012): 127-131. Print. The author of this article is McDermott, he wrote the article in 2012 and it is presented using MLA format. He researched on artificial intelligence and how it benefits the human. The article begins by defining what artificial intelligence means. Brady defines artificial intelligence as the ability of the digital computers to be able to perform tasks which are closely associated with the normal intelligent beings. The term is also applied to the projects used in developing applications which have intellectual features of the humans. The features can be the ability to discover and also reasoning. The article also explains how since the development of computers in the 1940s how they have been programmed to perform tasks which are very complex. According to McDermott, the artificial intelligence has been enhanced by the advances in the processing speed and the memory capacity. The article also defines intelligence as the any simplest human behavior. Based on the article, it explains the main components of intelligence which include perception, problem-solving, using language, reasoning, and learning. There are various forms of learning that are applicable to artificial learning and also the digital computers are able to reason through inferences and thus making it very helpful in the lives of human beings. Through artificial intelligence, the digital computers and other appliances are able to solve problems through systematic search in a range of different possible actions which are applied in reaching to a certain predefined solution. The digital computers through artificial intelligence use perception where there is scanning of the environment through different sensory organs which makes this objects to be able to be decomposed to different objects depending on the desired results. Through these concepts and how they are applied, they have enabled artificial intelligence to help the human in addressing the challenges in the society. Through artificial intelligence, it has enabled the human in addressing different challenges facing them. The articles also show how well artificial intelligence is applicable in th...
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