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The Moral Principles of Batman and Black Panther

Essay Instructions:

Please construct a research topic and find 10 sources with annotation.

Topic requirement: The topic should about superhero comics and moral principles, comics NOT MOVIES.

Writer must construct a claim/thesis based on these two particular comics:

1. "Batman: Dark Knight Returns"

2. "Captain America: Winter Soldier" by Ed Brubaker, comic version, DO NOT BASED THE MOVIE

You only need to write a research topic (one or two sentences should be enough) and find 10 potential sources to this topic, and annotate each of them.


Based on your initial research, provide a list of approximately 10 annotated bibliographies, formatted on a Word document. This will serve as the foundation for your paper and development. Be sure include and state the focus of your paper; it should be related to the bibliographical readings

Review abstracts, introductions, and conclusions to assess the value of including the source in your research

Consider the source credibility (journal, book)

Consider sources that are necessary for background, understanding, context, and perspective

The research topic should be analyzing two characters from two comic books, and the topic should be related to moral principles and ethnics.

There are other comics you can use.

You must use Batman: Dark Knight Returns, but you can switch the other one. Here are some options:




If you have any question please ask me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Professor Course 7 March 2019 The Moral Principles of Batman and Black Panther Super heroes play an integral role in comics. They are the main attraction and feature in the most of the part of the storyline. Superheroes in different comics have different characters but one thing that is unites them is their desire to fight crime and villains in their respective stories. This study will focus on the character of Batman and T’Challa particularly in the issues: Batman: Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller and Black Panther: Who Is The Black Panther by Reginald Hudlin with an aim of displaying their moral principles. Annotated Bibliography Babaee, Ruzbeh, Kamelia Talebian Sedehi, and Siamak Babaee. "HEROIC SUBJECTIVITY IN FRANK MILLER'S THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS." Teorija in Praksa 55.1 (2018): 199-227. The article examines the relationship between hero and subjectivity through The Dark Knight Returns. The article aims to indicate that subjectivity is a dynamic phenomenon in Miller’s super hero fiction. The way the authors explores heroism in the article is useful for this study. Charactour, Batman/Bruce Wayne: The Dark Knight, /hub/characters/view/Batman.The-Dark-Knight This article provides the general information about the character Bruce Wayne; his childhood, how he lives, his profession, interests, relationship status, challenge and personality. This information is useful for this study to understand principles and morals of Batman. The article lists his character as, “brave, selfless and mysterious”. Cunningham Joel, The B&N Podcast: Reginald Hudlin on the Black Panther, 16 February, 2018 /blog/sci-fi-fantasy/bn-podcast-reginald-hudlin-black-panther/ This article is an interview of Hudlin, the author of Vol 1 under consideration in this study, on The Barnes & Nobles. In the interview Hudlin talks about taking the mantle of the first black super hero. The article gives insights into the deepened and expanded world of T’Challa’s family and kingship and the history of his nation Wakanda. Hudlin explains what inspired and confounded as he developed the character of T’Challa. The information provided by this article will help in bringing out the character of T’Challa in this study. Fandom, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Batman:_The_Dark_Knight_Returns This article provides a synopsis of the Batman story written by Frank Miller which is under consideration in this study. The synopsis highlights all the major scenes and characters in the story and will provide a quicker method of looking for scenes that include the main character in the comic without necessary having to go flip through the entire source book. FitzPatrick Insha, Who Is The Black Panther? 23 October 2017 /comics/black-panther-who-is-the-black-panther-review-1720364/ This article reviews the Vol. 1 with particular interest on characters. The author is a fan Black Panther comic and has read all them up to date as well watched the movie. The author shows how each character in the comic has a unique distinguished personality which is amplified by excellent art work. How the author...
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