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An Opinion On High School Students' Freedom To Choose Home Schooling

Essay Instructions:

1. Write a research paper that tries to convince the reader of a position. In other words, to repeat, your paper should not just inform your reader about a topic, but instead it must convince your reader of something. Think of an argumentative paper as writing FOR or AGAINST something.The paper must incorporate formal research.

A minimum of three (3) sources must be used - a maximum of five (5) sources can be used.

Only ONE (1) source may come from a direct website; this does not mean that you cannot conduct all of your research online -- you can, but your other sources must be academic ones (books, newspaper articles, journal articles, etc.). It IS possible to access these sources remotely via the library portal (from your home or work computer) without having to physically visit the library, if you would prefer not to or are unable to do so. The unit content will explain how this is possible.

Within the paper itself, you must cite each source from which you paraphrase, summarize, or quote. All in-text citations must adhere to MLA formatting. Although this is a research paper assignment, the bulk of the paper should still come from your own original ideas, interpretations, evaluations, and suggestions. Roughly, no more than 30% of the paper should come from source material.

An accompanying Works Cited page is required: papers submitted without one will automatically earn a zero (0).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Professor Name
Literature And Language
12 March 2019
An Opinion On High School Students' Freedom To Choose Home Schooling
As the second decade of the 20th century nears, the advent of the existence of advanced technological innovations and tools has been evidently present. As such, educational systems all over the world have also been mostly technology dependent in the past ten years or so. Thus, technology-based home schooling, in particular, has become dominantly popular among high school students. Home schooling provides convenience to high school students. These students get to learn in their own pace, without being pressured at all as they pursue their education. Despite the widespread accessibility of home schooling programs to high school students, though, many secondary students have still not been able to have the freedom to opt to be home schooled, if they choose home schooling over traditional classroom based education. Many parents still have the final say in the mode of education their teen children should be allowed to pursue. Because of this, many high school students have been feeling that despite being of age, they have still been crippled in making their own choices when it comes to pursuing the type of education they want. This leaves these students feeling frustrated with the circumstances that they have been facing. Down the road, teenagers may harbor resentment towards their parents for stopping them in freely choosing the way they want to learn in school. Ill feelings between teenagers and their parents, thus, eventually ensue. These negative feelings damage the good relationship parents have with their teenage children.
I do not agree with the fact that legally, parents have the final say as to whether or not they would allow their teen children to be home schooled in high school or not. Just because high school students are minors, this does not mean they should not be given the liberty to decide as to whether or not they would want to pursue home schooling or not, legally speaking. Even though they are still legally considered as minors, high school students are not little kids, anymore. They are in the stages in their lives in which they are already fully aware as to the decisions they have to make in their lives so they can be completely happy and satisfied. If parents deprive their teen children in being able to freely decide on their own in pursuing home schooling secondary education, these high school students may harbor bitterness long after they have graduated from high school, all the way to their adult years.
The belief that home schooling during high school years is very difficult for parents to handle is actually just a myth (Harper 1). If high school students opt for home schooling, then, more likely than not, they do like to learn independently. The traditional classroom-based public and private high school education does not provide plenty of opportunities for students to learn in ways that they want to. There are teachers who always have the final say as to the ways students should learn in traditional classroom-based high school education system. Additionally, students usually do not get to have the options as to which legally credited subject matters and courses they may choose to learn and pursue classes in when it comes to attending traditional high school classes in classrooms. High school students choose to be home schooled so as to be able to make learning meaningful and practical. If high school students are not able to have the final say as to how and what they would and want to learn in school, they would likely not find any meaning and purpose in pursuing their secondary education. High school students would think twice as to the reasons why they needed to graduate from high school, when they could not see how they would be able to apply the learning they have acquired from school in discharging their job duties after they finish school.
High school students would have a difficult time learning if they are forced to learn in certain ways and to learn only courses they do not like to learn. If students find it difficult to learn in traditional high school classroom settings, they would be prone to get failing grades. Likely, no encouragement from teachers nor parents would motivate high school students to take it to their hearts to learn in traditional high school classroom educational settings. Thereafter, parents would have to endure the pain of seeing their teen children having the tendency of not graduating from high school. Parents would have find it more difficult to brainstorm with school principals and teachers as to coming up with ways to successfully motivate high school students to do good in school. In fact, it is, indeed considerably more time consuming for parents to brainstorm these things with the mentioned respective individuals as compared to just investing time in guiding their teen children in completing home schooling academic works. Parents should not risk wasting their time in pursuing unfruitful goals. There are times that parents are not right in wanting what they think are the be...
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