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Modern Art and the Gee's Bend Quilters

Essay Instructions:

1. Do your own research on modern art. What are the hallmarks of modern art? Some of its movements include Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, and Minimalism. What are some others? Who are some of its major artists? What works of modern art remind you of the quilts of Gee's Bend? (Write at least 250 words.)

2. Post a link to an article on modern art that you found informative.
A) What makes this article informative/interesting? (Write at least 250 words.)
B) How would you cite it in MLA style? (This question is specifically asking for a bibliographic citation, not an explanation of how to go about citing a source.)

3. From your study of modern art, what ideas have you gained for your Found Object Project? For example, which styles, mediums, movements, colors, or materials do you find inspiring or useful for your project? What materials are you gathering for your project, and how do you plan to use them? How has learning about modern art expanded your view of what art can be? (Write at least 250 words.)

4. Here's a quote from "The Alabama Women Who Made Their Quilts a Part of Modern Art":
"As with some other arts, however, quilt-making has traditionally struggled for recognition as fine art. Like weaving and embroidery, quilting is often seen as merely a craft, or 'women’s work (Links to an external site.),' as opposed to painting and sculpting, which were traditionally considered more manly, high-art forms. In terms of art world acceptance, the women of Gee’s Bend had an added disadvantage: their blackness."
Using one or more of the Gee's Bend quilts as an example, make a case for the Gee's Bend quilts to be universally accepted as fine art. (Write at least 250 words.)

5. In the new era of COVID-19, the concept of sustainability is moving from lip service to necessity. Americans are faced with having to live in a more sustainable fashion, throwing away less, and reusing more. Consider the following:
A) How are the quilts of Gee's Bend models of sustainability?
B) Referring back to Desmond's article, in what ways can reuse clothing, sheets, and other fabrics are considered anti-capitalist?
C) Which of the Gee's Bend quilters best displays sustainable habits? How so?
(Write at least 250 words total for A, B, and C.)

6. Provide a direct quote from one of the quilters in The Quiltmakers of Gee's Bend documentary. Explain what this quote means and why it is significant to you.

The Quiltmakers of Gee's Bend Documentary: https://vimeo(dot)com/50174695
"The Alabama Women Who Made Their Quilts a Part of Modern Art: https://www(dot)artsy(dot)net/article/artsy-editorial-alabama-women-made-quilts-modern-art
Quilts of Gee's Bend Slideshow: https://www(dot)arts(dot)gov/stories/blog/2015/quilts-gees-bend-slideshow

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Modern art entails artistic work produced in the period that runs from the 1860s to the 1970s. it shows the philosophies that guided the styles used to produce art in the particular era. During this period, the traditions of the past are abandoned in the spirit of experimentation. Therefore, modern art entails a rejection of history and conservative values and an actual depiction of subjects with a special emphasis on abstraction. Some of the movements associated with this form of art include Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, and Minimalism. Others include De Stijl, Surrealism, Social Realism, Pop art, Op art, Neo-Expressionists, and Symbolism. Some of the famous modern artists include Frida Kahlo, Salvador Dali, Claude Monet, Andy Warhol, Wassily Kandinsky, and Henri Matisse. All these artists are known for playing a crucial role in transforming at from the traditional practices to more modern expression ways.
The quilts of Gee’s Bend refers to the multi-layered textile that comprised two or more layers of fabric or fiber created by a group of women and their ancestors in the African-American hamlet of Gee’s bend, Alabama, along the Alabama River. These art forms have played a crucial role in transforming the way many people think about art. Unlike in the past, where art was mainly used for beautyfunctionality, modern art is currently used to represent functionality, perseverance, and fight for justice. Some of the modern art forms that reminds us Gee’s quilt include the quilter Gloria Hoppins that resembles the fascinations of Josef Albers, and the Pearlie Pettway, that reminds us of the mediative mind of Agnes Martin.
2. Informative Article
The link to the informative article
The article by Anirudh on 10 Most Famous Modern Art Paintings by Renowned Artists is informative because it exposes the various characteristics of modern art by discussing some of the most famous paintings. Differentiating modern art from contemporary art can be challenging. However, by looking at the photos of these paintings, and the accompanying explanations by Anirudh, one can be able to see how the modern art evolved from the traditional one, and how it inspired contemporary art. For example, the main goal of traditional art was to represent reality or realism through narrative. On the contrary, modern art abandons the traditional approach and instead injects new insights into the nature of the materials. In Frida Kahlo’s painting, The Two Fridas, the artist explores new paradigms in art by representing the same person twice. This representation is unrealistic but inspires people to think beyond the real.
Besides, the different art forms that the author of the article utilizes also show the use of Abstract Expressionism as another defining aspect of modern art. For example, the connection between the hearts in the Two Fridas painting is abstract and explains a connection between the hearts. Therefore, the article provides significant insights on the definition of modern art. It also shows the use of expressionism by Artist Claude Monet, which was one of the most influential movements in modern art. Therefore, the article helps the reader to get a better understanding of what modern art entails.
The study of modern art has equipped me with many new ideas on how to approach art. These ideas will be helpful in completing my Found Object Project in terms of the styles, the mediums, movements, colors, and materials that can serve best at enhancing my project. For example, I have learned ...
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