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The Misfortune of a Syrian Refugee. Literature & Language Essay

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The Misfortune of a Syrian Refugee

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The Misfortune of a Syrian Refugee
I. Introduction
In her article titled “Stranded for Months at Malaysia Airport, a Syrian Refugee Is Arrested,” Megan Specia details the story of Syrian native, Hassan al-Kontar, who has been posting videos to social media, documenting his life stranded at the budget terminal of Kuala Lumpur International Airport since March 7, 2018, when officials refused to let him board a flight to Ecuador. Through this article, Megan Specia has been able to capture what an individual is likely to face when seeking asylum in another country when their native country is in the middle of chaos.
II. Discussion
In “Stranded for Months at Malaysia Airport, a Syrian Refugee Is Arrested,” Megan Specia discusses how it can become tough, if not impossible, for an individual to be of assistance to his country as a result of being detained in a foreign country. As discussed in the article, Hassan al-Kontar, who had been working abroad, was unable to be of assistance to his country, which was in the midst of a brutal civil war, because he was stuck and turned back in repeated attempts to leave the country. The purpose of the article is to address the issues that individuals undergo when in foreign lands, which affects both the individual, and the country from which the individual originates.
In achieving its objectives in the society, the article addresses individuals of all classes, globally, without limiting its audience who can help but do not get the chance to do so as they may wish. As exhibited in the article, some individuals are willing to help Mr. Kontar, specifically those from Canada, who have gathered thousands of dollars to sponsor his application. To achieve a great audience, Megan Specia has keenly chosen a clear and precise heading to capture the attention of the reader. The title is concise, and one read is enough to grasp what is entailed in the article.
The author’s use of simple and understandable words and the absence of jargon make it easier for the reader to read through the article without difficulties and get an insight of what happens when an individual is stranded in an airport in a foreign country. The author draws the reader in as she carefully exhibits the dismay that Mr. Kontar expressed over his dealings with the United Nations refugee agency, saying that the organization was unwilling to help him. As exhibited in the article, the lack of action from people he thought would...
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