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Analysis of formalism and realism style

Essay Instructions:
consult the following book if you need to:Understanding Movies, Fifth Canadian Edition With Companion Website And Gradetracker I don't care about the sources because I am going to write this essay in my final exam Many films include examples of both formalist style and realistic style. Discuss how theories of formalism and realism can be applied to these three movies: Away from Her Dir. Sarah Polley. 2006. ,Forrest Gump. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. 1994. Fahrenheit 9/11. Dir. Michael Moore. 2004. (Feb. 3) Make sure that you discuss both formalist style and realistic style in each film. Mention some similarities and differences between the three films. The essay should have a clear thesis and the whole essay paragraphs should be related to the thesis. The thesis should discuss both formalist style and realistic style in each film based on the three points below: 1-Discuss the use of diegetic (realistic style) and/or nondiegetic (formalist style )sound in the three films listed above. 2-Discuss the use of editing (see Chapter 6) in three films . You may wish to consider the impact of editing on point of view or the impact of editing on the compression of time in film. Other possibilities include relating editing to movement or shots/angles. 3-Because films are “motion” pictures, movement is a key feature of this art form. Using concepts from Chapter 5 in your textbook, compare and contrast various kinds of movement in three of the films listed above Final exam expectations: - Write an organized essay with distinct paragraphs and a specific thesis - Develop your paragraphs with specific examples from the films - Mention some explicit parallels/distinctions between the three films in the question - Cite page number from Giannetti and Leach text if you quote
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Analysis of formalism and realism style
Film making has been characterized by realism and formalism styles. Realism in film making attempts to reproduce reality in the movie. It makes events and situations in the movie look like they actually happened even if they did not happen in real life. They leave audiences to come up with their own interpretation of meaning of the movie.
Realism movies are generally simple in nature and tend to be shot in actual locations rather than being set in a studio. Camera shooting is so in-depth such that an audience is able to view different casts of the scene like they would in real life situation. This provides the viewer with more scenes to look at and think about them at the same time. Editing in realism films is kept to the minimum level possible and thus there is less fancying and imaginations.
There are many fiction realism movies; however the most familiar ones are documentaries because they document events that actually happened in a straightforward and unassuming manner without much manipulation of the camera. Watching a documentary makes an audience feel like they are actually on the ground.
Formalism style portrays the imagination of an artist. Formalism films are more concerned with artist’s vision of the world than reality. They persuade audiences to see things from the artist’s perspective of the situation rather than reality. They are filmed in studio sets designed for film production and involve a lot of camera manipulation.
They are meant to encourage a more mental participation and an average viewer might not fully grasp the significance of what the producer intended to express. Filmmaking is characterized with highly stylized editing. This is common in music videos and avant-garde cinema which shows abstract movies which are hard to understand by an ordinary viewer.
Classicism is a combination of formalism and realism film making styles. In reality, almost no film is neither purely realism nor formalism but rather the combination of the two, although they tend to lean towards either of the two. Most films from Hollywood try to find a more middle ground of the two and such films can be classified as classical.
This is a romantic movie revolving around love story with a lot of camera movements. It represents the ideas of the filmmaker rather the reality. The film uses different scenes indicating the formalism aspect which is highly pronounced. The editing of sound and pictures is pronounced within the film.
The power of images in the film is stylized displacing the sense of reality. The story developed in the film appears to expresses personal view and passion of the movie director to matters of love and romance. Extraordinary characters are depicted in the film, for instance, institutionalized woman and a mute man bound on wheelchair in the hospital and mysterious diseases.
The movie deeply explores the concept of love; a man loving an institutionalized wife who transfers her affection to a mute wheelchair bound man indicating that love is blind. There is manipulation of events and narrative within the movie to create desired effects by the filmmaker and involves a lot fantasies.
The movie revolves around Mr. Forrest who is described as a simple man with low IQ. It is less like a documentary and realism style is described by the life of Mr. Forrest. It looks more like a real life story of any person capturing his life story from childhood to adult. Forrest Gump movie is a realism movie because it portrays the real life scenario.
The life of Forrest in the m...
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