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Globalization and Environment Effects of Science and Technology

Essay Instructions:
thesis for the course must incorporate one or both of science or technology into the argument. There are many environmental issues, and many aspects of these issues, but whatever you pick science and technology must be part of the argument.Remember that a thesis has to be an argument for or against something, not just a statement or a description of facts. This is not a descriptive paper, it is an argumentative paper. 6 sources must be scholory articles.
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Globalization and Environment Effects of Science and Technology
Advanced technologies are indeed real threats which degrade the biotic environment a great deal. Despite the reality that science and technology has assisted individuals to adapt a simple and easy way of life, it has greatly resulted into a situation where it is no longer helpful to people. Various technologies have resulted into chronic effects upon the environment. These technologies which have led to such like adverse effects include industrial power plants, automobiles and medicines. In addition, whereas we are getting the boom of automobiles and energy from oil, we are greatly experiencing the effects as a result of carbon dioxide emission from automobiles, domestic appliances and factories. Indeed, science and technology may be compared to individuals possessing various personalities. At a single point, science and technology can be a savior coupled with inventions capable of saving the human race. However, it is also a devil capable of annihilating the environment within a very short period. A good example is the area of energy consumption (Krozer, 64). Thesis Statement: Is Science and Technology a blessing or a curse to the Environment?
Researchers have been constantly perfecting the source of power within the environment. The various processes of life have been made extremely convenient with the invention of cars, lighting systems and appliances. People do not require torches to walk for long distances. In addition, people do not require horses these days when going places. Cars alongside any form of transportation assist people to go wherever they wish as long as they can afford them. This has been going on for many years until it has reversed into environmental destruction. Unfortunately, human beings have become extremely dependent on technology in a way in which with no air conditioner, people will start imagining that it may be very hard to exist with the amount heat from the environment (Mitchel, 121).
Additionally, other people would imagine that they are the poorest creatures without refrigerators which additionally release chlorofluorocarbons which destroy the ozone layer. On the other hand, alternative sources of energy which do not harm the environment have been identified. However, these sources of energy have failed to penetrate the market despite its perfect intentions upon the environment. These sources of energy include wind energy, solar energy and nuclear energy which could save people. However, very few individuals bother about them. Most people are now left with an imagination that the environment will remain patient despite the changing faces of technology.
Automobile invention has brought convenience to individuals. On the contrary, it has resulted into air pollution. In the real sense, driving is probably the most common act of pollution various people commit. Pathogens located within the car exhaust are very poisonous to organs of the human body. These pathogens are toxic in a similar way as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzene, sulphur dioxide and polycyclic hydrocarbons. All these substances have been identified to generate harmful impacts on the bone marrow, blood, lymph nodes and spleen. The majority of these pollutants cause anemia, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders and various types of cancer. In addition, combustion in car engines lead to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is responsible for global warming. Carbon dioxide is rising at a rate of two meters annually. From the era of the industrial revolution, society has become highly dependent on technology. The dependence has been has been a lot that people lack the willingness to reason before acting. People become very impatient supposing what they are downloading takes long. People expect quick responses to their emails. Additionally, individuals expect their telephones to be answered immediately they call (Howard, 99).
Furthermore, industrialization caused quick and sustainable growth coupled with a large increase in consumer goods. On the contrary, it represented a very unpleasant working environment for many individuals. Currently, individuals are constantly seeking ways to better their lifestyles. In addition, they seek to try and deal with their physical environment. For example, farming and agriculture caused an increase in growth of large and settled human populations. It also led to an increase in competition for competitive lands excluding organized warfare. The requirement for transportation came along with vehicles within the market. In addition, the requirement for workers came along with mechanical robots within our industries. Warfare on the globe resulted into the requirement for sophisticated weapons. As a result, the agricultural system resulted into a revolution. The discovery of television has caused all forms of entertainment upon the lives of people. This is alongside audio and video combined. Sometimes back, radio and newspapers were the single ways to bring entertainment or media into houses. Increased production and other employment opportunities came along with various individuals moving from rural areas and agricultural farms into major towns and cities. Currently, society is extremely dependent on technology than any time before. Despite the various advantages of technology use, it has various adverse effects as well. In the actual sense, technology indeed harms the society instead of helping it. For example, competition among various organizations or major towns may sometimes make the lives of people worse. In a situation where a given city constructs many roads in order to attract tourists, the end result is increased traffic. Likewise, some things which are normally taken for granted like the automobiles contain negative effects on the environment (Brauch & Grin 419).
This is because the automobiles have resulted into pollution which in a practical manner harms the environment at a reduced rate. Technology has caused people to be extremely bust to a level where people do not even get time to spend with their loved ones. It is very devastating to find out that individuals normally contact one another using online messaging and yet they are just within the same time. This is simply because they imagine it is more quick and effective. On the other hand, they completely forget that online chatting can never substitute personal meetings. Prior to the invention of television and internet, individuals used to frequently have fun together. On the contrary, the majority o these primitive ways of having fun has almost disappeared in the current world. Individuals used to practically converse with one another. They would carry out various things together such as playing games with each other. These days, people spent a lot of time playing games with the computer causing no reaction at all. This has caused people to further drift from one another. Modern technology has the opposite effect of making people just to remain in the very place (Fei Liu, 79).
Technology alongside culture or technology in society means a cyclic co-dependence, co-production of technology and co-influence of society on other technologies on culture and the opposite. This type of relationship took place from the humankind dawn alongside the discovery of simple instruments. In addition, it continues into current societies like the printing computers and press. These little alterations in mobile telephones such as Internet access are examples of co-production cycle. The need of the society to call upon individuals and be present everywhere has caused the research and development of mobile telephones. As a result, they have affected the lives of many people. As the population depends entirely on mobile phones, extra features are requested. This also applies to the modern media player of today. In the old history, economies started when spontaneous and occasional exchange of commodities and services was substituted over time with deliberate structures of trade. In the current world, superior technologies, geography, resources and history cause robust economies. Within a well performing modern economy, excesses in the economy naturally flow into much utilization of technology. Furthermore, because technology is an inseparable portion of human society mostly due to its economic aspects, sources of funding for new endeavors in technology are generally illimitable.
Technological effects upon the environment are both subtle and obvious. The most common effects include the depletion of the non-renewable resources like coal, petroleum...
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