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Analysis of the movie "City of God"

Essay Instructions:
talke about these issues: 1) Global city 2) Urban slum and physical environment 3) Urban crime and youth gang 4) Lack of social and economic mobility 5) Government, public housing 6) Social network 7) Importance of education Also: DON'T use 1st person or statements that refer to your personal opinion, for example: "I think", "I believe", "I noticed", "In my opinion", etc. This is an analysis paper of issues portrayed in the films, NOT your personal opinion of the movie DON'T use 2nd person statements, for example: "YOU have to", "When YOU see..." or anything containing the word "YOU" / "YOUR". These kind of statements make your papers sound informal and less than academic. DON'T summarize the films, we've all seen them, get straight to the issues analysis part. DON'T review the films, that is not the purpose of the paper. DON'T use contractions (he's, it's, didn't, etc.) Spell it out (he is, it is, did not, etc) DON'T waste your time writing about cinematographic styles or the "planning" of the movie itself. This class is called Urban Planning 200: Cities in Cinema, therefore any papers addressing these topics will automatically receive a failing grade, since it will be assumed that the student has ignored the guidelines and completely missed the point of the class itself. DON'T stretch your papers with unusual letter fonts, spacing or plain rambling. We will discount points for any of these things. DO: WRITE a paper with a clear structure, that has an introduction, body and conclusion. THINK critically about the issues portrayed in the movies and read the supporting articles on Blackboard to get a better grip on issues. CHECK the guidelines and the example papers posted on Blackboard's Course Information tab to have a better idea of what a good paper looks like. CITE your sources if you chose to use other information - Otherwise it will be considered as plagiarism BECOME FAMILIAR with the term "Urban Planning" if you need to. USE proper language, grammar and punctuation, if you are unsure about your writing skills use the resources available at ASU, such as the Writing Center.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name : Course Name : Instructor’s Name : Date of Submission : “The City of God” Introduction The city of God is one of the best Brazilian national cinemas. Its success can be examined in terms of the values, genre and narrative. The way the film use recognizable genre features and transports them to different and colorful locations makes it’s a good piece of art. However recognizable these genres features might be the themes of the film and concerns of the characters are in many ways very specific to their settings. The films depict the true facts of the poverty in the slums of Rio de Janeiro and the violence that accompanies it. The movie also has relied heavily on the artificial of cinematic techniques and a complex narrative structure. The response of the audience in the developed world has raised questions about whether the violence and poverty of the underdeveloped world can be used as “artistic object”. This paper therefore seeks to analyze the film “the city of God”. Main Body The concept of nation and national identity centre round a group of people who share a common purpose is one that uses the people as a source of culture. In the film has been described as ‘an unforgettable epic portrayal epic of a people’. The inhabitants of the Rio slums in this way became the representatives of the whole nation of Brazil. Rio is one of the biggest cities in the world and seen as a global city described in a negative way. Global affairs in a socio-economic means have been covered throughout the film. The word “povo” as used in the film is understood to mean dark skinned nation of the poor, who are basically literate and ethically stigmatized, in general the victims of diverse forms of exclusion. The idea of power and control over their own lives is not relevant in this case. Actually the opposite happens. The people who give the true culture are in this case seen to be excluded from decision making. When the movie opens, the use of flash shots which starts with chicken slaughter, stripping its feathers shows that the people are running their normal routines. The scene shows the poor living conditions of the slum. The physical environment used is of the poor who struggle to make a living. As the moving is running the sounds of people drumming is an assurance that the movie is run in a slum. The drumming is a common style used by the Brazil people. This portrays the chaotic life of Favelas one of the slums in Rio de Janeiro. In the urban setting, a child’s begins training at a more experienced teenage level. This accelerates the crime in the cities. The apparent training have stages where the trainees starts by stealing, looting, robbing and progress at later stages to extortion , murder and gang welfare. In one of the many scenes in the film a boy around ten is ordered to kill a young boy around six years of a rival ground. The gang leader has much power in controlling...
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